Energy Cost

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by darius84, January 6, 2014.

  1. darius84

    darius84 New Member

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    This is my first post and I didn't see any other one talking 'bout this.
    I haven't play with supreme commander, but I was a huge fan of TA and looking at it I noticed here in PA there isn't the energy cost of anything, nor unit nor building.
    I found it a very usefull information can we have it back?

    OT: is there some way to get units's stats? Like range, hp, dps and so on? I know I can see the unit's range looking at the red circle around them, but I enjoy the numerical stat
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Units no longer cost energy, but factory's and engineers cost energy to be actively building.

    And you can browse over them when they are active to see their drain.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There's several different things that consume energy.

    The act of construction or repairing or whatever consumes energy.

    Also, defensive structures consume energy. Laser towers, Catapults, etc all require energy to operate. Also, things like Radar need energy to operate. They'll shut down if they don't have enough energy.

    And finally, bombers use energy to drop bombs.

    Hope that helps.

    Also, the wiki has info on all the units and buildings and more.

    The PA Matches wiki is the largest and most accurate PA Wiki available.
  4. darius84

    darius84 New Member

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    Yes, I know these things: as I said I'm a huge fan of old TA.
    What I ment is that back in TA on unit or building cost there was an amount of energy cost (the one the building process drain in total) and didn't found this usefull stat here in PA.

    I was suggesting to developer to add this information on the building UI :)
  5. Schulti

    Schulti Active Member

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    In this case PA is different from TA.

    There are absolutly no energy costs at all. But for sure you can calculate the cost by yourself if you want to, but they will be different in various situations. As said above: Things consume energy as long they do something.

    An example the make it clear (no real numbers from the game):
    Lets say a building cost 100 metal. and a fabber can build 10 metal every second.
    So it takes 10 seconds to finish the building - but only if your metalincome is ok.
    Simultaneously the fabber needs a fix amount of energy to build (this is aaaaalways the same, the hole game).
    So when he needs 200 energy every second and the buildtime is 10 senconds, then you can say the the building "cost" is 2000 energy. but that changes when you build with more fabbers or your eco is stalling.

    I hope it is more clear for you now.

    So dont worry about energy cost. The only thing you must know is, how much energy all fabbers and factorys uses every second and then you can easily see if you have the income to give them a task or not.
    Last edited: January 6, 2014
    darius84 likes this.
  6. darius84

    darius84 New Member

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    Oh! I see, I didn't understand this mechanic, I thought it was like old TA.

    Very thanks for the explanation, you were very kind :)
    Schulti likes this.
  7. Schulti

    Schulti Active Member

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    No problem! I you have any further question just ask :)

    Have a look at the links above that brainpurkiss posted! They are very usefull.

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