Hi, When I'm playing an AI Skirmish battle, me vs 1 AI on relentless and hardest setting, the enemy units are not popping up when I build the highest radar station (on less hard settings I can see enemy on the whole planet). Is there a cloaking device I'm not aware off? Or is that normal on hardest setting? Thanks for your help! SilvaSurf
Are you sure you have energy in storage? You need to make sure you're not stalling on energy, otherwise radar (and teleporters) won't work!
Yes, if your energy bar is red, you need more energy. Download the gross economy mod, to help with managing your eco.
I somtimes notice an effect that even the T2 Radar on a small planet (100% coverage) was not detecting the enemies on the opposite side of the planet. On really small ones this also happens with the T1. I will look if that happens again and then post the Lobby ID, if I remmber it. But yes, in general it is propably lack of power. Radars eat some. Fabricators and factories eat a lot while in use.
Radar is bugged, it needs to be built when energy is positive or you have energy in storage. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/radar-bug-still-not-fixed.63683/
thanks for all your answers. In my case it apparently really was the lack of energy. It never happened again since - and since I'm really looking if I have enough energy thanks all!