Just curious about two things regarding hacking enemy turrets: 1. Why is it that you get no money from pro kills/bot kills/moneyball hits from this newly hacked turret? Is this a bug or is this intentional? 2. What level range/fire rate is a hacked enemy turret (.H) equivalent to? .1, .2 or .3?
1. I believe it's intentional since the turrets were built by the other team. 2. Hacked turrets are x.1 (watch the rate of fire). Rehacking a stolen turret reverts it to x.1, regardless of the Support's current hack level.
Hacked enemy turrets are y.X (y being the current level of said turret, X being an X) And because you get money from kills by a turret you helped BUILD
Thanks for the information, guys. Now, to me, it definitely feels like hacking enemy turrets is not beneficial to the support at all (Money-wise at least). Apart from getting on the other team's nerves, you're not really gaining anything by hacking the enemy turret. Sure that turret may kill a couple of unaware pros, but you don't gain anything from those kills. It does allow friendly blackjacks to ignore it and jump on the moneyball, helping your team win. But this game isn't really about winning now is it? It's all about money; "getting paid." You become the MVP when you have the most money. The game doesn't recognize how valuable that Support guy is for hacking that enemy turret. So another question is: Why hack enemy turrets?
A. They have to drop whatever they were doing and shoot at a powerful turret (that they paid for) in their own base. B. (This point you already made.) The bots can now move past the turret and attack the moneyball. C. I've seen turrets take down the moneyball's shields, and it does a fairly decent amount of damage to the ball. D. It's hilarious. Granted, it sometimes isn't quite as efficient as just blowing it up when you have juice.
Think of it this way: You earn whatever the amount it would have normally cost to build such a turret on your own. A hacked rockit turret is worth at least 200$. Its also pretty much a guaranteed game ender in pubs if the support has at least 1 team mate to help tank the turret while he hacks it. The hack turret will destroy any other unhacked turrets in the hacked range. The support gains juice by keeping it alive with the heal gun. It stops/stalls enemy bot flow. There are plenty of reasons to hack the enemy turret.
Definitely. Maybe not complete game ender, but such a moral defeat that the other team all quits. Which is partially why I am glad that Uber is changing the requirements for hacking enemy turrets. Although it doesn't happen often, it definitely swings the advantage in your teams favor.
Another thing I'll add, if they don't respond to it quick enough, it could take down a turret, then they have to take the hacked one down, that's -2 turrets for them, - at least 400 dollars for them
I generally only hack enemy turrets in overtime or if I see a turret that would look great in my team color (i.e. upgraded rock-it turret). I also only hack it if i have juice, OR have an assassin to bomb it for me.
Thank you all for the great responses. I still won't take my time to hack enemy turrets because I'm all about the money and enemy turret hacking is not a great money maker. (Well, now that I'm 99 I may start doing it just for the lulz/win :lol: ) However, I will say that this: is great advice.