
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by do0t, December 30, 2010.

  1. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Tried changing classes and endorsements in the locker room, but the changes don't stay. What it does is retain the Assault class, and default endorsements. Say I want sniper class with a set of non-default endorsements, it won't let me save that profile.
  2. pineapple

    pineapple New Member

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    First select the class, then select the endorsements. You'll always have to do the two steps for any change.

    And a suggestion, don't change endorsements will waiting for a map change unless you're fast.
  3. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Right, I did that. Right now it defaults to assault. So if I want a sniper class, I choose the sniper, then select the endorsements. I hit accept, and I go back. Problem becomes when I join a server, the class I wanted goes back to the default assault class, as if the changes I made didn't stick. :l

  4. pineapple

    pineapple New Member

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    So let me get this straight.
    1. You select the custom class (Custom Class 1)
    2. Select the Class (Sniper)
    3. Select the Endorsements tab
    4. Select the three endorsements
    5. And then hit select
  5. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    Well, no, I hit accept for step 5.

    After I backed out of that screen and into the custom class screen, it shows the black man rather than the sniper with the endorsements I just saved. REFUND. Jk.

  6. pineapple

    pineapple New Member

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    I meant 'accept'. :lol:

    I was making sure you weren't

    1. You select the custom class (Custom Class 1)
    2. Select the Class (Sniper)
    3. Pressing accept (Not yet)
    4. Select the Endorsements tab
    5. Select the three endorsements
    6. And then hit accept
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You don't have to select the class first btw. The endorsement setups aren't tied to the class. fyi. :D
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Not sure if it's different in the PC version, but in the 360 version endorsement changes don't save until you back out of the locker room, meaning if you get caught in the middle of changing a class, it simply reverts back to whatever it was before you started making the changes.
  9. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    I'll try this. Also noticed the endorsements are backwards, in descending order of importance (3 bronze, 2 silver, 1, gold), and maybe that's lending to the confusion. I'm expecting to see my gold endorsement on top rather than bottom. :l

  10. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Err, yeah you do.

    Logically, you may be able to select a class second, but the problem is that the PC version is bugged so you HAVE to select a class first to make sure it doesn't bug, since failing to choose your class before picking endorsements or forgetting to do so changes your custom class back to Assault, which is annoying as hell.
  11. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    It works using that convoluted process. :->
  12. [UBER]Hellchick

    [UBER]Hellchick New Member

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    So in trying to reproduce this bug, I get the same behavior in that once I've selected a class and endorsements and I hit "accept", it brings me back to the Custom Class main screen and shows me the Unknown character silhouette and three unknown endorsements. But if I scroll down one and scroll back up, it refreshes the data and my newly-created custom class is there.

    I think this may just be a display issue in that the UI isn't updating that slot correctly when you come back to the page. Can you verify if the custom class is actually usable in the game or not after you create it?
  13. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    It's certainly not a UI display bug, but an actual data retention bug. It's happened to me once.

    Try doing the following:

    * Pick a class/endorsement setup that ISN'T assault
    * Accept, play, whatever.
    * Pretend that you suddenly don't like the way you picked the endorsements
    * Open the custom class and go STRAIGHT to the endorsements, change and accept, without changing the class
    * Test it now.

    I think the specific problem is that changing the custom class resets the class to Assault if a class wasn't specified when you go to edit. However, not 100% sure this is the same problem as I read it.
  14. [UBER]Hellchick

    [UBER]Hellchick New Member

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    After looking at this this morning there are a couple of issues. One of them is a display issue -- if you create a custom class and go back, it doesn't refresh the info on the page and you'll get old info. This, I think, is independent of a saving issue that might be there.

    There's a second issue where if you select a class but don't select any endorsements, the endorsements you see for that slot will be out of order.

    MikeyTWolf: your issue may be another issue that also exists. I'm looking at all of these right now and working through the fixes.

    Thanks, guys!
  15. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    There certainly seems to be a saving issue somewhere. I've had some very persistent and annoying issues with (re)creating custom classes. I'll get one set up and have it show up in the locker room menu correctly, but when I join a server or even simply restart the game it's reverted back to whatever was in the slot previously. This will happen half a dozen or more times before it finally decides to remember the changes.

    I think changes will reliably stick if I set up the class between rounds while connected to a server, but I'll have to do more testing to be sure.

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