Endorsement talk... rate/acc/crit/clip etc

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by feedle, December 23, 2012.

  1. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Rate- benefits both weapons and at gold turns them both into full throttle weapons

    Acc- helps you aim better and keep the bullets in the circle so you can keep shots on skinny targets easier.

    Crit- turns bullets randomly purple and adds 10% more damage to each shot.. also increases damage of bullets when juiced

    Clip- helps you out shoot things that are being healed with a little more ammo and keeps the spamming of the weapons up. Note that this isn't such a good endorsement on some classes like support and if you don't use shruikens it doesn't benefit the assassin

    Now the classes which can use these to help with the kills...

    Assault- when you aim down the sites the acc gets increased and your passive 3 adds tons of crits. The grenade launcher is slow as hell and if you got gold rate its beast. Is there a point of gold acc? not really since bronze with ads turns it to silver.. silver acc with ads turns gold... Rate is a must on this class as someone with gold rate will destroy someone with no rate even with gold crits since the shots are slow. Clip is good if you want to finish people off since you usually run out pumping a whole clip into a gunner/tank

    Gunner- his deploy adds crit and 1 level of acc... gold rate turns gun and motars beast... clip can be great if you run out of ammo but rate is a must on this build too.. gold acc is great if you got deploy 3 and want to kill a sniper mid ranger or pin point an assassin trying to run. Deploy 2/3 adds slow down shots to the mini as well and keeps big targets pinned down.

    Assassin- rate benefits the sword and shruikens but mainly the sword for killer turrets. clip with passive 2 increases shruiken clip and with cloak 3 makes great star spams. Crit benefits the cloak 3 causing massive damage and some people say the sword/dagger swings crit but its most noticeable juiced...

    Support- rate is a must on this class... acc is useless, crit can help with rate for healing or shotgun.. rate/armor/crit does work wonders but your skills get crippled...

    Tank- rate is a must for rail gun kills... jet gun does get good benefits with a good host .. crit havnt had much luck unless you use rate with it on jet gun.. anyhow crits not going to help. despite the myths clip doesnt increase the damage of the blossom.. the damage goes by the percentage of the clip not the size.. ie 2 shots left in a clip does no damage compared to 3/4 clip.

    sniper- crit benefits explosive shots and bot lovers.. with gold rate youll be able to keep gunners pinned down and tanks .. youll get juice quicker too.. clip might help if your trying to take out turrets or get killed alot from reloads...

    Reload benefits a few classes... mainly tank and assassin for shruikens... alot of weapons have extremely quick reloads already so you can make them even more beast.

    Juice- some classes who gain juice quickly can benefit this.. snipers/assassins... bronze is best but gold is good for overtime

    speed- despite what everyone says this can help you get kills and help you move around quicker.. slower classes are fun to use with this and some classes like support and assassin can really make a difference.

    Health reg- some passive skills and deploy give health regen.. supports passive 3 makes it extremely quick and snipers/assassins have high recharge too.. might be usefull

    skill- tank and assault with level 3 have quick recharge skill rates.. sniper/assassin/support can use this to speed up charges

    armor- this helps keep some classes alive and passives can give more armor.. tank is one class with gold armor and passive 3 which keeps them alive and soak up bullets. Gold armor is nice to have on a gunner or any class since a overheal is more health then silver armor with overheal..
  2. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Im going to post a few classes for the hell of it for those trying to get protags etc or kills.

    Rate/armor/crit- this is great for healing, great for juice hurt beam, great for shotgun when it crits will save on a shot

    Rate/armor/skill- general support build makes you good at healing and a couple air strikes and hacks

    Skill/armor/rate or default support: mainly for hacking and air striking spamming... maybe blitz mode for 3 hacks as well...

    Rate/armor/speed or speed/armor/skill- the first is for shot gunning and jumping the other is for trying to get firebases on spunky cola cans etc...
    Rate/Armor/Crit- this one is great when your juiced with the sword.. it melts
    Rate/armor/clip or armor/rate/clip- general shuiriken build
    Armor/rate/skill or health regen - another all purpose utility build
    Reload/clip/rate- not sure which order this was but i had a shruiken spamming build which was non stop fire of stars. Mess with the order until it fits your cloak 3
    Rate/armor/crit- great for spamming explosive shots with crit or juiced crits
    Rate/armor/skill- general purpose for ice trap/flak boost
    Rate/armor/acc or armor/rate/acc- the old school sniper build
    Skill/armor/speed- ice trap and flak spam build
    Speed/armor/reload- assassin chase down build
    Reload/armor/speed or skill- blitz mode tank
    Armor/speed/reload or armor/reload/speed - feedle tank build...
    Rate/armor/crit- turns the rail gun and jet gun into big damage
    rate/armor/skill- old school host spam
    Gunner (havnt really messed too much with him)
    Acc/Armor/Rate- sniper killer
    Rate/armor/acc- rocket killer
    Armor/rate/acc or Armor/acc/rate- general gunner
    Rate/armor/crit or crit/armor/rate- deploy gunner
    Rate/armor/acc or rate/armor/skill- grenade launcher spam
    armor/rate/acc- all purpose assault
    armor/skill/acc- bomb spam assault

    Ill do more later

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