End game if full team quits

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Qbakies, August 30, 2010.

  1. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    I was playing last night on Steel Peel and we went into host migration mode after a few minutes. When we came back to the game I didn't see any enemies and when I hit the back button to look at the rosters I saw that the entire other team quit. Then it was just a matter of us all getting our bots over there and hammering on the moneyball to end the game. By the time we did kill the MB there were two new people on the opposing team which had to be frustrating for them because they were completely overwhelmed and had no way of doing anything to stop us.

    I'm sure it isn't often that an entire team quits but if it does I would rather it end the game, give the existing team the win, and go back to the lobby to fill the missing team back up. It wasn't fun for us or the poor bastards who joined late.

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