Just had a massive team game that ended when the enemy moved a laser array over my base and sniped my commander. Normally I'd be fine with this, except he parked the array DIRECTLY OVER a orbital defense building to do this. If the orbital defense stations aren't going to defend against orbitals, then remove them from the game. They are one of the most expensive structure in the game and it's ridiculous to have something like that in the game if it's going to just be a dud.
Yeah problem is LOS. I actually think space LOS is flat broken. Once I put up an adv radar sat, I can see space. Thing is, after it gets destroyed it seems like I can still see space? Meanwhile, launching fighters does not give space LOS and nothing on the ground has LOS to space. So basically we need better way to see into space. I don't know why the Umbrella itself can't do it. They're pretty effective once they can actually see.
or you could, y'know, build an army and attack them. even building a nuke is cheaper afaik. and im pretty sure orbital fighters shoot them down too.
The problem is once they have a satellite, the only counter is your own satellite, which may be awkward considering their satellite can blast your orbital launchers with impunity. It would be like creating a T2 bot that T1 units can't see or do anything about. It just walks up to attack your commander right past your missile launchers, pelters and lasers. It becomes a race to get that first unit out, all other strategies be damned.
You need the land based advanced orbital/dead space radar for the ion cannons to function. It works the same way as needing a radar to allow a pelter or holokin to fire at range.
on a side note - I hope the orbital/deep space radar looks more like a satellite dish and its only using the adv radar as a placeholder IMHO.
Tex, I remember this game with you lol I lost my commander in space somewhere, you got orbital sniped next to an umbrella, and the other teams just got nuked into oblivion. Was a weird game for all of us. The only thing that makes sense is that your energy was empty. Umbrellas have worked for me before.