Economic Efficiency

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by cp8, January 2, 2014.

  1. cp8

    cp8 New Member

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    Forgive me, perhaps I'm a little dense (read: old), but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the economics. More specifically, the mechanics of a negative energy rate and how that impacts build power when storage runs out.

    1 T2 Energy Gen = 5000 energy/tick
    6 T1 Fab Bots = 6000 energy/tick, 60 metal/tick
    8 T1 Mex = 56 metal/tick
    this would net result in -1000 energy/tick and -4 metal/tick, nothing is stored

    Effectively the system can only consume as much as it produces, so the consumption rate would be at most 56 metal/tick. My question is, how does "negative energy" impact production rates, if at all? Will the 6 fabs consume the full 56 metal/tick being produced, or only a portion of it?

    or will the 6 fabs only be able to consume 50 metal/tick? (5000/6000*60)
  2. dianalogue

    dianalogue Member

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    I'm not 100% sure but I think you have a clean grasp on it.
    A negative economy isn't something to worry about the way we did in TA
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    No, it is not like TA. It is in fact worse, because workers will continue to use maximum energy despite not having enough metal.

    You have to be very careful with resources in PA. They run a dangerous razor's edge.
  4. boylobster

    boylobster Active Member

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    I'd love to find to find out if I have this straight as well, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong - I think you have the basic idea exactly right, and that negative energy *will* in fact hamper your metal output.

    In this example, with an energy income of 6000 or more, your bots pump out 100% of the metal available to them, up to 60/tick, right? But you don't have all the energy they need, so they don't operate at full output. I think the energy-starved/energy-ideal to metal output relationship is linear, so in this case it would be:

    5000/6000 = ~0.83, or 83%

    You'll receive 83% of their possible output (well, not in this instance because you don't have enough mex to supply their ideal maximum output, but y'know what I mean).

    .83 x 56 = ~46.6

    So given those parameters for fabbers, metal, and energy income, you should be able to produce 46 metal/tick, or ~83% of what you could had you sufficient energy.

    Amiright? :)

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