Just curious, are Uber going to be presenting at E3 with some of the PA stuff. I really want this game to succeed (and therefore Uber to succeed). Of course, I am being selfish in that I want them to build new games, and expansions to PA. RTS is my passion, and I know it is not everyone's passion. E3 - for all of its faults - is still a good platform to sell from, and get interest. so, I am curious if they have planned event / show and tell sessions. Anyways, I hope the press start devoting some pages to the project, I am certainly telling all my friends and colleagues. Slim
PA already got plenty of press when and shortly after the Kickstarter was going, so it's certainly known by many of the press houses, but right now Uber doesn't really have anything to match up to the Visualization used for the Kickstarter yet. Maybe sometime during late Alpha or early Beta they'll have something that surpasses it and they can start stocking the fire on the Hype Train. Mike
Not really in the plans. Things can change of course, but E3 is very expensive for very little return, especially for small independents.
It is sad the industry has gone this way. I guess there will be a lot of big players at E3 this year with Xbox720/PS4 launches around the corner, and a snore-fest of modern warfare 28 and Battlefield 63. I think the industry needs to change, and soon, things are changing everywhere (tv, magazines, newspapers, etc.), I especially like the direct sell to end users, if more companies take that route, someone will start paying attention. I'll get of the soap box now :roll: Slim
You could maybe invite some press folks over after the event and still sort of be part of the hype train without the expense.
Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't E3 jump the shark some years ago? Timing a livestream or press release for around the same time would be just as useful imo.
I personally gave up caring about these big video game events after the PS4 'launch announcement' event that 1) Didn't show a picture of the PS4, 2) Didn't announce even the most basic PS4's technical specs 3) Was hyped to insane proportions 4) Merely showed 'Gameplay' from games years from launch with PS3 level graphics with nothing but token Gimmicks marketted as "improvements" in a video that was almost two hours long and said nothing.
I'm pretty sure we have full PS4 specs. And if you think the PS3 can do anything like that then you're blind.
I was referring specifically to the 'Live from New York' event that got hyped to oblivion on Feb 21. We've gotten a ton of info since then, but absolutely none of it came out that night when there were hundreds journalists in the room and thousands observing online. I guess my only real point is these 'official' events are just getting more and more dumbed down, while becoming more and more expensive. This seems mostly because silly/stupid people want to see pretty graphics and share their 30 minutes a week playing a game on facebook and couldn't care less about the actual mechanics of it. Uber would have to staff the event, paying devs to not do work on the game. They would have to considerably accelerate graphical work on the game far too soon or else they would have nothing to show that people would care about. And half the people at E3 would just keep walking when they hears its PC only.