1. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Anyone dualclass?

    Definition of Dualclassing: to use two different characters' skill trees in a single game.

    MNC DualClassing: to use two different classes during a single match. Basically, combine two classes into one, per se.

    Example of a Dualclass.
    Support+Gunner: Start off with Support. The two skills you focus on are Hack/Firebase. Ignore Passive/Airstrike skills. Highly recommend Hack to 3 (before Firebase 2 even).
    If you die with $300+ ($550 preferred) switch to a Gunner. Get Passive to 3.

    Goal: Support has L3 Firebase/Hack, allows for hacked base turrets. Gunner has L3 Passive, allows for instant pro killing.

    How?: Play as a support. If you die with $550, switch out to a Gunner. Use dual-minigun to demolish, mortar to turret-kill. If Gunner dies and few-no enemy turrets remains, switch to Support. Re-hack, Re-firebase, Re-overheal everything in base. Either suicide or overheal allies and push forward. When there is no need to overheal/hack/FB at time of death, switch back to Gunner. Repeat. Gunner's other skills are optional. Support's other skills are optional.

    DO NOT: Get Passive 3 for Support. You don't want to necessarily live as a Support too long.

    In a nutshell: You are combining the defensive skills of a Support (FB/Hack) with the Gunner's weapons for mass destruction.

    I think this might be very interesting. I find myself wanting to switch between a Support and a Gunner frequently (since the only thing I do with a Gunner is bunny-hop and fire off that dual minigun and sometimes I see my base turrets half destroyed and I can't repair it!)
  2. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    I don't continuously switch back and forth, but I have switched to gunner briefly just to take out enemy turrets. If they have a solid defense, I have also switched to gunner and bought juice. My measily 650 dollar investment will be balanced out by the possible thousands they spent on their turrets.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Switching once or even twice sounds fine. Switching often is questionable because of the continual delayed respawns you will suffer.
  4. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    You have to wait for the respawn when you die... could simply change classes during deaths?
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Changing class during the respawn screen causes a significantly delayed respawn for me.
  6. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    I hadn't noticed... let me keep a closer eye on the next couple matches...

    Also, I think dualing with a Support is fail. Either I die too infrequently or when you change from a Support, all (your) hacks instantly vanish, including firebase.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I mean, it depends on what you consider significant. I think normal respawn is 5 seconds. Maybe 10 at a later point in the game?

    When you choose a new class, that starts over, no matter where you are on the countdown. So I think the most it will delay you is about 15-20 seconds, but I guess that is enough time for an assassin to lead bots into your base or destroy one of your hacked turrets. You're better off just having one support teammate and one gunner teammate. That way, instead of getting a little of each, you get the best of both worlds.
  8. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I rarely get a delayed respawn. What up wit ch'all?
  9. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I do this sometimes, usually if early in the game I find my team needs something else I axe my other class and take the loss in money. A lot of the time though I'll switch between whatever class I'm maining for the game and either Assault or Sniper, since both those classes can be really effective with minimal upgrades.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i don't do this but i do run two gunners. one starts the game the other comes in once i have duals if i die.

    1 armor
    2 rof
    3 speed

    1 acc
    2 rof
    3 armor
  11. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    I've actually done this using the assault and support. It works quite well when you don't have a support on ur team.
  12. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    dualing with two same classes but different setups... something to consider. I'll have to try that seeing how I only really use 3 classes (2 customs for each so it works).

    I'm pretty sure I can confirm it, changing to anything but a Support makes your Hacks all go POOF. So yeah, Support doesn't play well with others.

    I'll have to try a Gunner/Assassin combo. ;)

    Regardless, switching to a Support strictly to repair/overheal your base then back to your main class is a great play.
  13. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I'll switch classes if I notice the other team is taking advantage of a severe weakness my team has. I most commonly do it when playing with randoms and my Support is useless on our 0 turrets. I switch to Assassin and just get rid of all the bots I can. I usually find that when this is occurring, the other team is trying to farm kills off of us and leaves their base entirely undefended. I sometimes switch to Sniper if the opposing team has a bunch of Supports and makes firebases all over.
    I prefer not to switch at all, because of the classic argument. If you switch to a different class, the money you spent on your other class's skills is effectively gone. However, there's another step to that logic. You actually stand to profit more by switching to another class that has traits you can use more effectively in that match.

    As for the lag issue, it only applies if you choose your class after the respawn countdown finishes. If you do it before that, you respawn normally.
  14. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    True but switching back to your original class (or any other class you spent $ on), the skills are still there. It's not as if you need to re-buy skills. So it's not really a loss of money, you're just spreading it across a little more than everyone else. This type of playing is reasonable if you are the type to never buy turrets.
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i run 2 gunners and switch over after i get deploy 3
  16. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    yeah I do this but not often only if I'm against a skilled team. I start off as sassy & keep to the objective & hold as much cash as I can then switch to support (upgrade hack lv3 + firebase lv2) to defend the base. never get a respawn delay when I change class though
  17. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    I've been thinking about dual classing Assault/ Assassin. I seem to really rack up the cash when playing as an Assault. Money I could use to max out the Assassin's passive sword skill, and cloak ability.

    Haven't tried it yet, but it seems like a solid strategy.
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Note: Your respawn will wait another cycle if you're in the class selection screen when your respawn timer runs out. If you complete the switch before the timer runs out, you won't have to wait until the next spawn wave.
  19. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I find this tactic extremely useful for playing by myself. Switching to Support to build and hack some turrets can really help out.
  20. Pig Of Denmark

    Pig Of Denmark New Member

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    When i play Gunner i find my self with alot of $$ and ill switch to support and upgrade/hack rets. Reason is most of the time my idiot team wont!

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