Dox and slammer stuck in factory with guard only

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by river39, December 5, 2016.

  1. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    With my unit rush mod i give units a large guard radius, remove all commands and the player had full vision making the units to automatically attack the enemy.

    for some reason the dox and slammers have a problem leaving the factory. If anyone knows how i could fix this or if it can only be changed by changing the guard code.

  2. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    After an evening of trial and error i found out that the problem (moste likely) is in the tool weapon. by replacing: " "ammo_id":[{"layer":"WL_AnyLand","id":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_ammo.json"}] " with " "ammo_id":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_ammo.json" " the problem is alot less. this also makes the dox go in to the water to find there target instead of hording on the coastline.

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