Downtime Changes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by univern72, January 26, 2011.

  1. univern72

    univern72 New Member

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    I love MNC so far. I have a few things I would love to see, though.

    The first is that I find the downtime between games to be too long. Some games last <5 minutes and then we have to watch the score screen for 20 seconds, then we have to wait to pick teams, then we have to wait for everyone to pick classes while the map intro animation plays. I think it would probably take kind of a lot of effort to implement this, but would it be possible to cut down some of this delay somehow?

    The second is something that seems like it should be in the game already. I'd like to be able to change teams mid-game to join a team my friend is on. I understand that teams could be stacked like 6v2 if you don't implement this correctly, but a lot of games have functionality that allows team switching without allowing the teams to become unbalanced (in terms of numbers, at least).

    Another (extremely minor) thing is that pressing a key to change class while you are alive doesn't do anything. It took me a little while to figure out how to change classes. I can't see a reason not to allow a player to change class while alive. If you did this, it could just take effect next time you spawn.

    Does anyone agree or disagree with these?
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Well, I like to get a fresh cup of coffee between matches and it is too short for that. :lol:

    Yes, that would be a good change.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    also, the team change midgame feature i would like to see because it would balance the game, is for you to click the team-icon in the score menu, and it will tell you that you will be seated next time its available. and then it will seat you when that team shrinks below yours or someone on the enemy team also tries to switch (it will trade you both)

    that was what c&c renegade did, you typed into game chat +changeteam, and it would announce to the other team that a team change request has been made, and the first one to also click to switch would be traded for the first guy. and if the other team was short a few people, the game would automatically announce the opening.

    of course, in this game you get traded against your will, which is good :) ;) but the switch by request would be a good feature.

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