Bullseye or a Jackbot drops Bacon,you see it,no one is around you go for it,so close..then the lvl 0 splitscreener charges in steals it and dies seconds later?
can't tell ya how many times I've been robbed by the assassin that went 2-0-32 in a game. It usually goes something like this: B-b-b-b-b-b-bacon! ...A Hot Shots team member is snuffed out by a Slim Bot! I'm sure they're gonna kick themselves when they see that on the film later.
Best pictures ever. Nominating you for that now. Always the best pictures posted by you. When are we holding the First Annual MNC Forum Awards anyway?
whats even better is when you kill a couple people or a group of bots, and the guy on your team going 0-7 picks up the 2 juice boxes, the speed pickup, and uses the speed pickup only to get himself killed that extra second quicker
When I get bacon as a sniper, I am a beast dude. The SMG turns into an AR, and I tear gunners and assaults up with bacon as sniper. S I G |\/| A R with Bacon = GOD mode.
Re: Don't you hate it when.... I was playing by myself last week against a pretty high level team, and I dropped their jackbot on their half of the map, and saw the bacon, charged to get to it but an assault sitting on their elbow (spunky) dropped down to collect the money and grabbed it. He died maybe a minute later and ended up rage quitting before the match ended
Only seen it once in competitive so far, luckily I was playing gunner so things continued to go my way in that match