im just a little worried that now that you guys are doing steam 360 is going to be a thing of the past for you guys as far as support priority goes. I only fear this because of how much of a pain in the butt Microsoft is to work with for developers i know you guys cant admit it with out getting grounded by them for bad talking but its a known fact that unless its one of there cruddy in house games like halo or fable did i mention there cruddy in house lol all other titles gets put on the back burner like the update we waited for ever for them to release.We need good games like this most games have been very stale so please don't leave us on xbox 360 i know steam is kick *** but ill miss you lol
I would like to know the sales figures for 360 and pc to see where they are making the most money, my guess is 360 as its been on console for a long time. Maybe pc will catch up, lets hope not.
How many times do the devs have to post "We are still going to support the console version" before you guys believe it? We aren't getting a whole lot of lovin' right now because the official launch of the PC version is a little more than a week away. Calm down.
We havent even launched the PC version yet. Like Jessep has said, Xbox got the game five months before the PC players.