Donating eco/ army to another player

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by walmartdialup, September 24, 2015.

  1. walmartdialup

    walmartdialup Active Member

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    During non shared team matches, I would like to have the ability to support my team without having to stop everything I'm doing. If I claim an entire planet, I don't want to delete some metal extractors to house a refugee to sit on my planet for the rest of the match.

    Same perspective with units. I would like to donate some to my team rather than doing the fighting for them. Better yet, allow my team to do the fighting while I focus on something else.

    Of course, the things mentioned in this post are already solved by doing shared matches. The differences are subtle but will allow better teamwork and lead to new strategies.

    A good analogy would be elementary school. When a student has a birthday, it shouldn't be a requirement for that student to distribute his cookies to everyone in the class. The student should choose who they give the celebratory cookies to as a sign of appreciation for whomever they deem fit. Sorry bullies, no cookies for you (even if they will just take them while the teacher isn't looking).
  2. Mirolog

    Mirolog Well-Known Member

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    Donating eco should be technically possible and relatively easy to implement, but I'm not sure about donating units.
    tatsujb and davostheblack like this.
  3. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Agree, some features along these lines are sorely needed. Also make the damn teleporters work across teams even without shared armies.
  4. davostheblack

    davostheblack Well-Known Member

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    I'd support a move this way; just keep in mind, I doubt the devs are anything other than busy-as-all-hell
  5. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    Not sure why these features aren't already in.
  6. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    If you give your teleporter to your teammate, then he can connect and let you use for escaping.
    I like this idea!:)
    tunsel11 likes this.
  7. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    For non shared armies you most of this is already implemented. If you look at your eco bar while you are busy rushing t2 you will notice little arrows pointing towards or away from your efficiency bar. This means ether you are taking or sending resources to allies who need/have them. It exists you just didn't bother to look.

    I don't agree with non shared teleporters being able to be turned on or connected by allies. The whole reason non shared exists is so you can work in a mutually beneficial way but not as a a shared army.Together but only by loose connections. I do think though that allies shouldn't be able to blow up your commander specifically if anyone tries to grief or take everyone with them (Cause sod those people)

    I also like the idea of being able to gift specific units to players. Would be a good way to help another allie when they are in trouble besides just protecting them while they try to rebuild. (I.E connect his teleporter to what was yours and then gift it back)
    walmartdialup likes this.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Last edited: September 24, 2015
    gmase likes this.
  9. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it's not the same as sending resources to someone who has a non-empty bar which can be very justifiable at times.
    walmartdialup likes this.
  10. walmartdialup

    walmartdialup Active Member

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    To some extent, these ideas are intended to have player interaction within team matches. Currently, non shared team matches appear to be more like a FFA with alliances. There needs to be more gameplay elements that give the player an option to implement teamwork.

    I do not agree with the teleporter dilemma. The distinction between shared & non shared is control. Having teles that could sync with other members would remove this control.

    Despite this, one could easily donate a combat fab that could build a teleporter that the said teammate could then use (g0hstreaper was mentioning something along this line). This could then solve the lack of support that non shared players have due to spawning on different planets and such.

    One issue I could see happening with giving/ sharing units is the instance where a team member donates all their units to one person right before they die.

    The sharing units idea could also allow a person to continue participating in a team match even if a player died. One could possibly share an army with a dead player and have them control those units. This one seems like a stretch but here are a few reasons:

    - encourage players to stick around
    - new players will be introduced to multiple unit compositions and will get to test them by using a different army.
    - Eliminate the fear associated with spawning alone ( I see too many "all spawn on one planet and ignore the entire system" matches)
    - Allow the surviving players to continue playing the way they were because they can distribute workload.
    - new players will be encouraged to scout the system (they may get rewarded by giving them an army to destroy said location they found)

    Of course, the devs are super busy. However, I do believe something should be done about this sooner rather than later. Team gameplay is a critical part of PA and polishing some of these game design elements is severely needed to improve the player experience.

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