Doesn't really fit anywhere but - Advertising.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by TemptedNZ, January 20, 2011.

  1. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    I love MNC, I bought it on 360 and enjoyed it so much, it was crushing that the UT3 engine is bad P2P obviously and on American host when you're in the oceanic region is terrible.

    But the game itself is glorious and most importantly "fun", which is why I had no qualms buying it again for PC even tho I can't really play it on Live anymore without being irked at the latency issue.

    So, basically what I am trying to get to is a main part of my wishlist is to see you "Go big" with this game and get the acclaim you deserve.

    I don't see enough people talking about it.

    Needs more advertising, bribe some reviewers or something, I mean fly them to a big event, cater to them and put them in first class hotels and then get them to write a review about how awesome your game is, not bribing, no siree.

    I want the community to be big, long lasting and awesome.
    Carry on. =p
  2. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We got it covered for launch. No worries.
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I don't see you're playing on American servers; there's no less than three Australian servers up 24/7, and another two that come and go.
  4. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    I love this guy. Advocating bribery sounds like an awesome idea. Yay for corrupt video game reviewers :roll:. It's not like gamers who have two brain cells to rub together listen to IGN's or whoever's rating--at least I don't. I'd much rather find a YouTuber who plays the game for more than a few hours and has no ulterior motives.

    Anyway, I'm excited the pc launch is only a few days away! I've been supporting the game on my channel with plenty of videos. I'm certain this community will continue to grow :)
  5. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    TF2 hats are all you need. ;)

    +1 for advertising. I'm interesting in seeing what Uber is gonna do at release. Sounds big.
  6. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I don't think they would need taking people to expensive hotels and nice restaurants to get high scores on IGN or PCGamer or whatever else that would review that game.

    For ******* 13 American US Dollars, this game is golden. :cool:
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    It certainly has the highest fun/$ ratio I have ever seen! Go Uber!
  8. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    The best thing about the low price is it makes a great gift! :D
    I was able to get this for 4 of my friends for Christmas and it was one of the easiest gifts to come up with. Even with all of these copies I've purchased for others now, it's still less than a brand new, full-price game for one person. Worth every penny!

    Can't wait to see what UBER has cooked up for the advertising. I've been barking about this game for over a year now to my friends when I initially saw the first videos on youtube.

    I just went and looked up the first email I sent to a friend on 1/15/10, haha.

  9. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    might i add that this game is more than playable at 280 ping. faits & rusty have been fave servers of mine til the aussies showed up.
  10. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    It was a jibe at Activision my simple friend.

    The last MP game I played that was this enjoyable was Action Quake 2.

    Which is the highest praise I personally would ever offer a game, rofl, it died eventually and that sucked, it was never competitive, so I want to see MNC BIIIIIG.

    Please don't ever lose the responding to players on the forums Uber, it's the icing on the cake.
    Last edited: January 21, 2011
  11. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Super. Bowl.

  12. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    Ex. pen. sive. :!:


    Though that would be pretty dang awesome. Monday Night Combat ads have the perfect "vibe" to be played during the Super Bowl.
  13. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Yeah, I know it would be mad expensive, but it would be friggin awesome to see an ad for MNC during the SB.

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