Does MNC Track Skill?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by L3377MA573R, August 31, 2010.

  1. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    Maybe it's a fluke. Maybe I'm just having a bad day. Or week.

    Or maybe there's something wrong. I dunno, but the games I've been playing for the past few days have become increasingly lopsided. Either my team has less players, or simply sucks. I'm almost always at the top of the leaderboards on my team, but when the game's halfway through and I'm going 0-10, there's something that's just not right. Sometimes both happen; my team just gets farmed for money, and soon we can barely leave the spawn lest we get grappled out or get trapped and sniped. I've always been about seeing games through to the end as I hate quitters, but there's just nothing fun about these matches.

    So I ask: does MNC take your stats into account when matching you up with other players and forming teams? Or does it just randomly gather players and shuffle them into teams?

    Also, on a side note: this is just a very minor gripe, but the Blitz menu is slightly annoying. It would be nice to have a back button in the Blitz mode's selection screen. Either that, or putting the cursor on the playlist we just came from. After playing a lot of FPS's, I instinctively push A after lagging out. I also tend to instinctively push B after going into a menu I don't want to. Maybe it's just me.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Part of it might be that it groups friends together. Great for the friends, but usually awful for the other team that just gets stomped
  3. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    MNC tracks your trueskill score behind the scenes and matches you up based on it.
  4. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Would it be possible to make this visible in the future?
  5. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    And in response to the spawn killing/grappling/trapping, can you add new ways to get out the spawn?

    For instance, on the maps where the spawn is on a first floor, have a hole allowing you to just drop out of it.

    And a jump pad that fires you out a hole in the roof to the other side of the money ball or something.
  6. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    How many maps are there on which you don't spawn on the first floor? -_-
  7. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    No, there's very, very good reasons we don't show this. Sorry. I can't elaborate or else I'll get denied bacon for the rest of my adult life.
  8. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    If you do tell us you can have MY bacon. My tastebuds don't agree with it, unfortunately.

    I reckon calculating trueskill in this game would be quite difficult anyway, it wouldn't simply be kills to deaths, theres the bots and other such things that need to be taken into account. Its a shame you can't tell us :(
  9. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    You know, that may explain why I get every single day I get matched with the same people over and over again, I can literally name at least 10 players I get matched with every day.

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