Apologies if this has been discussed before but I am new here. I’ve tried using the search but it returns a lot of results with a lot of false positives that makes scanning for real information difficult to find. I find the command queues difficult to use for a number of reasons and I wondered if it was just me. 1. The waypoints don’t show connected lines so it can be difficult to see where units are actually going. 2. There is no easy way to cancel the last command in a long series of commands. 3. The usual shortcut keys, A-Attack, S-Stop, M-Move, P-Patrol don’t seem to work, this means you have to go back and fore over the screen with your mouse a lot more than is optimal. 4. It’s easy to accidentally cancel a long queue of order that you have set up, I frequently do this by clicking on the wrong (left) mouse button and moving the unit cancelling the orders and building I have queues up when I mean to deselect with the right mouse button. Come to think of it I’m not even sure if the left and right are the correct way round above which illustrates my point about the confusion. 5. I often want to build 50 of something rather than 5 rather than shirt clicking 10 times I’ve seen this done with ctrl-shift-click. 6. There doesn’t seem to be anyway to pause a command queue for example if I want to temporarily stop building during an energy crunch but not lose my already input list of things to build.
Re: Does anyone else find command/build queuing difficult to 1. Waypoints would be cool. I know supcom has 'em, and it's great for figuring out where your commander is sometimes, especially since you know his build queue. Just follow it back! 2. Build order cancelling would also be a nice feature. They have factory queue editing, so I don't see why uber wouldn't put it in for general build queues. Something like hold down shift to see all queued build orders (or use caps lock), then ctrl-left click on a not yet built buildings wireframe to cancel building it. Right now you basically have to select commander/fabber, either right click to move or "repair" unfinished current building, then reconstruct your build queue with the changes you want. 3. Keybindings are a feature majorly incomplete. Right now keyboard shortcuts are "hardcoded" into the program. There should be a uber post in the keyboard shortcut thread about the fact that eventually keybindings will be editable, and that's prolly when things like attack/stop/ect will be implemented. 4. left click = select unit, right click = default action for whatever your clicking on. Left clicking your commander and right clicking on a factory will order your com to assist the fact. Right clicking on open ground = move. It works a little different with selecting stuff from the sidebars, either the order one on the right, or the build one on the bottom. For commander/fabbers: left click to select comm/fab, left click to select order, or what you want to build, left click to give order, or place building. If you hold down the mouse on placing a building you can move the mouse side to side and the building will rotate unless it's snapped to another structure/metal point. For factories: Left click adds to queue, right click subtracts. Shift adds/subtracts 5 instead of 1. Ctrl adds/subtracts from the beginning. You can combine them too: Say you have a factory building 100+ ants and you want 5 scouts next, just Ctrl-shift-left click on the scout unit picture once, and the factory will build 5 scouts after the unit it's currently building and then go back to building all those ants. 5. Usually when I build a factory I queue up like a hundred of something and I don't mind clicking. Personally I think they could up the number from 5, since often the build queue I'm not hard spamming to 1000 is like 2 of something, maybe 3, so no full 5 needed. It would be cool if they made it an option, so people could stick to 5s if the did alternating unit type queues, but you could set it to 100 if you wanted to save yourself clicks. 6. Also feature incomplete. Even the "consume/conserve energy" command does NOTHING at this point. Garat or Neutrino said the other day that the ui is FAR from complete, but they DO have people working on it. Things like pause commands fall under that I would think. Overall, seeing the alpha/game evolve has been really awesome, and will continue to be, but I think some patience is in need for things like the UI. I don't really see a point, especially if the UI isn't totally game breaking, of releasing a bunch of small updates to it. Right now, it's about getting the alpha to work on a large number of machines with as few a bugs as possible, not really about new features. That'll be later in the alpha, and throughout the beta. Or at least I imagine so. :mrgreen:
I haven't played in a while and in the first 5m of this build I keep cancelling my structure build queue. Did they change something? I'm not that noob lol.
Regarding the shortcut keys they don't work if you're holding shift since shift+key triggers a different keybind.