Do you switch classes during a match?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ellamin, October 4, 2010.

  1. Ellamin

    Ellamin New Member

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    Just a question i'm curious about.

    A lot of times in matches people tend to pick one character and stick with it, simply because you have to upgrade the new character if you switch to someone else. However, switching to someone new can prove useful at times, such as if the class you're currently using isn't working out or if you need to switch to a class that can quickly take out bots (IE. Assassin) or if a bunch of characters are swarming in one spot and you need to clear them out (IE. Gunner).

    Usually when I play I start off with Sniper or Assassin for the purpose of clearing out enemy bots, but if they're not working out i'll usually switch to the latter choice if i'm taking too many hits as Assassin or being sniped too often as Sniper, Gunner to take out Firebases and swarming players or Support if one side of the base is being focus-fired and I need to heal the turrets.
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    If the makeup of the team shows that have a major hole in a certain area, I will switch. It generally provides another hole in another area, but there are some games where I'll just bounce back and forth.

    Personally, I'd LOVE to see a pro-tag for using every class in 1 game.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I generally will only switch classes at the very beginning (first 2 mins) or the very end (1 min before overtime).

    If I'm playing Tank and I see 3+ Assaults with competent players behind them, I'll switch to assassin on most maps, since she can usually push faster than the 3 assaults combined, and has enough mobility to keep the bot traffic going in both lanes. The assassin has trouble killing the assaults, but not much trouble surviving them/dealing with their lane presence. This happens most often on Ammo Mule.

    If I am playing assassin, and one of our games somehow makes it to overtime with a good chunk of moneyball health left, I'll switch to my tank for the juice rush and melt the money ball with 1 clip of the rail gun.

    Rarely will I go gunner unless our team needs to be able to kill turrets from extreme range, and we don't already have 1 or 2 gunners on the team.
  4. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I rarely if ever switch during a match. Partly because I like to upgrade skills quite a bit, and switching would waste the money. Partly because I have my go-to class or two that I'm most familiar with, and if I'm not getting the job done with that, switching probably isn't going to help anyway.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The only time I switch my class is the same position with a different endorsement setup.
  6. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I rarely switch either. I've heard that some people switch between different custom slots of the same class if they feel their endorsements needs to be switched up, and this allows you to keep the upgrades you have purchased.
  7. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I usually play gunner or assault. When ever I switch to another class, I'll give it a bit and if I am sucking to much, I switch back the gunner or assault. But I keep trying to classes to be a better all around player
  8. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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  9. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    I find myself doing this quite a bit, depending on the flow of the game. Usually with the assault. One version is for CQC with gold skill recovery, and the other is built around the assault's rifle for when I want to play "D" and also to keep people at a distance with nades.

    Great game feature IMO, and lots more handy then switching to a different position entirely. IMO of course.
  10. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    I NEVER switch classes during a match. Whenever I feel my class is not working out, it's just because I don't have all the upgrades I need/want.

    Once I have a fully upgraded anything, there's no need for me to switch (I hope that doesn't make me sound cocky.)
  11. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Well do you play with 5 other friends or does that rule apply with randoms also?

    When I have a full team or even half a team, I find that I play differently because I can depend on my teammates. So switching would happen even less.
  12. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    I usually play with friends, but the rule does apply still with randoms.

    I'll check what classes they pick before I select my class and If I feel we are lacking in a certain department, I'll pick the bast class to help change that.
  13. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    gotcha, i do the same, the only class I won't pick is the assassin because I suck with her. But everything else is fair game. What I hate is when i wait to see what the randoms pick, pick something to balance the team and then THEY change their class and screw it all up lol. There is no need for 3 snipers on one team, ever.
  14. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    This is what I hate to see as well. In this instance, I'll *THINK* about switching my class. Huge emphasis on the 'think' because, like I said before, I pretty much never switch classes.

    I play Assassin and if I see more than 2 Assassins on my team later on during the match (meaning the randoms switched to Assassin), I'll considering switching to either Support or Sniper.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I played a match like ten minutes ago. We started with three: Gunner, Support, Assassin. I was the Assassin. We ended up with the Support leaving and everyone on our team except the Gunner being an Assassin. So I swapped. We still got hosed, though.

    But yeah, I generally don't unless it's needed. If we're lacking a Support, I generally shift to Support. If we have too many of a class, I'll switch away. Otherwise, I'd rather keep my skills.
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    When I get bored I like to play around with other classes. I'll start with the intent of racking up money so I can change to that class.... a quick thousand in the first few minutes is generally enough.

    The assassin is a lot more fun when you start with the sword and some ranks in cloak.

    Other than that the only class I would ever switch to during a match would be support. You don't even have to buy a rank in the hack skill to make a turret 3x as effective.
  17. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    I only switch during a game if...

    1. We don't have a support and/or he leaves


    2. Our support sucks

    and then theres 3

    sometimes i switch to sniper after i've been headshot just to do it right back at them :lol:

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