Do we have any idea how interplanetary transport works?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Sylenall, June 5, 2013.

  1. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Say I want to invade another planet? We know a little about the Commander(egg), but how do we get a sizable force from one planet to another? Obviously I can't invade a well fortified world with just my Commander.

    Forgive me if this is already common knowledge, I try to keep up around here, but don't don't get everything.

    Assuming there are no "spaceships"(because no space combat) I doubt we will be loading up in those.
  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  3. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Well that was just an orbiting asteroid, and those units were built on the asteroid itself.

    I want to know how to take an *existing* army from one planet to another.

    Seriously there must be some form of effective mass transportation.


    We are left with big standing armies on all inactive(non-warzone) planets, we will have to build more on each new planet instead of using what we already have.

    Invading without basically nuking the entire planet with an asteroid becomes next to impossible, since they have a huge standing army(and production industry) and you are forced to trickle in units inefficiently.
    Last edited: June 5, 2013
  4. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    I made an topic with the title:

    "Free movement between planets.Benefits and problems".

    about 30 minutes ago.

    It has some detail and considerations.Come check it out all.
    It has nothing to do with micro i promise.
    This one here is just a copycat :D
  5. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    You are covering alot of things, I'm just trying to find out if mass transport between planets is planned or known, and I didn't see your topic until I had already posted this one tbh.

    Either way I feel some method of large-scale interplanetary transport is pretty much mandatory for this game to work.
  6. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  7. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    +1 on this thread. We keep getting (and reaffirming) confirmation about no space combat without any info about how we are supposed to wage war across all these planets (and before you say "unit cannon" again that doesn't work from planet to planet). It leaves a big gaping hole in my (and obviously a few other's) vision of how any game of PA is actually supposed to play out...

    They must have some idea. No one begins a project like this without at least some kind of idea of how a completed version will function. That would be like making an eCommerce website without any clue on how a customer is going to checkout their shopping cart... It's not a mundane detail. So why not let us know? Surely they have nothing to hide...
  8. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Okay? Let's say we were playing in a map modeled after this solar system, I have effectively conquered earth, and would like to invade Mars, which is controlled by another player.

    How do I take my surplus army on Earth(which is currently idle as the planet is secured) and get them to Mars? The kickstarter video show us a single engineer landing on an asteroid orbiting a planet and converting that asteroid into an orbital insertion point supplied by it's own unit producing factories.

    That doesn't address the question of how I use my now useless surplus of units sitting around on my conquered planet(Earth) and get them to Mars.

    Even assuming I could fit engines to a factory/man-cannon asteroid and fly it to mars, unless I can also somehow load that asteroid with units from my friendly planets, then I am forced to pay to create additional armies rather than using the forces I already have (which sounds like bad economics to me).

    I don't wanna imagine that every unit you create on a planet is then permanently tied to that planet. That ruins invasions(they just won't be possible) because of defender's advantage, and the only thing an attacking player will be able to do is wipe out everything with an Asteroid... which sucks. Would suck for the defender too because hey, again, can't evac the planet!
    Last edited: June 5, 2013
  9. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Not to mention if you send your loaded asteroid to orbit mars and mars is already fully loaded like earth then they probably also have control of it's moons like Phobos. In which case they could just overwhelm your little asteroid with a constant barrage of units from unit cannons on Phobos and there would be no way for you to compete with just your little asteroid and nothing to support it.

    Your only solution would be to add thrusters to earth and bring earth to mars! LOL. I really hope unit cannons aren't their be all end all answer to interplanetary combat...
  10. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    Fire an egg at Mars, build a teleporter there and on earth... march through.
  11. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    a lonely egg will be easy to stop if your enemy has control of the whole planet and I'll bet a teleporter isn't a quick thing to build either. Your game would end in stalemate.
  12. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Sounds like one hell of a risky way to lose your commander. I mean assuming the planet is even moderately defended, what stops them from swarming your landing site after getting a radar ping?

    BTW has this method been talked about by the devs or is it just your own idea?
  13. veta

    veta Active Member

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    probably gonna be something like that, if not just an interplanetary unit cannon.
  14. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Unless there is some kind of un-counterable stealth technology incorporated in the egg, I don't get how this wouldn't be smothered almost immediately by watchful players. It just seems too fragile.

    I'd also hope that you wouldn't have to risk your commander for such a dangerous maneuver, and that you can transport engineers in the egg instead.

    An interplanetary unit cannon seems like it would be difficult to balance... I don't think I'd appreciate troops suddenly dropping onto my industry from the other end of the solar-system. It's like some kind of super-OP artillery with unlimited range and utility.

    Have teleportation gates been discussed or confirmed by Uber?
  15. veta

    veta Active Member

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    If that won't work the idea is you resort to asteroid engines and KEWs. Which is what happened in the KS video.
  16. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    mass-troop carrier or troopships can be there without spacebattles!

    There must be some kind of mass-troop carrier or troopships, one big one would be bad because than they could nuke it instantly, better would be more small troopships than one big one with all of your army on it.

    It would not be good if this ships would travel automatically to the enemy planet and than sitting there in a fishbowl in front of the enemy's air-defence rockets.

    A free roaming - concept with maneuverabel scouting satellites or scouting-spaceships would be better . Than you could orbit your satellite in the orbit of the enemy planet and scan his defencecapability on the ground or fly with your fast scouting ship in his orbit and see what he has , before you move your whole army right in front of him.

    I can understand that they can not do everything at once, so this product will be definitely a success and than they will add spacebattle or some of us will mod it in.

    Because spacebattle in this kind of scenario makes really sence and is not just an redundant feature.

    Unit-cannon in both directions?

    One other question is: Yes you can shoot units down from your moon asteroid onto the ground of an planet , but does this also work in the other direction, that you can shoot units from your planet to the moon with the cannon (im not talking about the commander-egg).

    More questions.

    -How does this teleport-ability work . Is it a building which must be constructed on both sites of the planets.

    -Can you sneak your units unseen on the enemy planet and build secretly an hidden (underground) Base on the enemy planet without the enemy knowing it , if the planet is big.Is there a cloaking ability which makes your troopship invisible for a short amount of time?

    -Can two deathstars fight each other in the oter space?
    Last edited: June 5, 2013
  17. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    I'm hoping it's not that shallow and short-sighted. Defenders get screwed(because you can't evac in the face of the inevitable KEW) and attackers are stuck paying for new industry and armies as soon as they leave a planet because the army they built previously becomes nothing more than a bunch of glorified paper-weights waiting for asteroid death.

    Invasions and army-longevity are killed by a mandatory KEW to conquer model. Ugh, that meta-game sounds terrible.
  18. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I was thinking you could get an asteroid, put a base and engine on it. (a teleporter would also help) and fly it to the other planet and warp in more units and shoot them at the planet. :D :D :D
    Last edited: June 5, 2013
  19. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Or maybe an spaceship-carrier, which can transforme in one end of an worm-hole, if it comes near the enemy planet , the other end would be a stationary ring constructed in your orbit, so that you can fly all of your asteroids through at once. Or free roam all of your asteroids around the enemy planet, to build an blockade to denial him the expanding on other resourche-rich planets. Maybe you can connect near asteroids with an metallconstruction to an defencegrid.
  20. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    I'm okay with using man-cannon asteroids as mass transport in place of "space-ships", so long as there is a way to transfer planet-side forces up to an asteroid instead of only making that possible for an engineer or Commander as seen in the KS video(which negates the usefulness of your existing army).

    My one worry is that if Asteroids are the only reliable form of mass transport, what stops everyone from just giving into the temptation of using it as a KEW instead?

    Even if there is no way to realize full-scale invasions within the game, there MUST be some way to create reliable beach-heads(perhaps with deploy-able teleporters), perhaps "eggs" can be made strong enough to fight-off defenders for a time while it provides cover for builders to make a "gate". Perhaps the eggs can carry a sizable force of military units along with builders. Maybe eggs can act as limited teleporters themselves to establish beachheads?

    There has to be something. You can't make a multi-planet RTS game and have no way of moving armies between worlds, it's just so critical.
    Last edited: June 6, 2013

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