DLC automatically or download required?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ManaCorporation, November 17, 2010.

  1. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Sorry if this has been asked already but I tried, genuinely, to look around for the answer to this.

    As a non-forum user (This is my first post) and I only recently discovered this site and found out about the DLC changes. Pretty awesome if you ask me. I'm L92 and largely a Support player. I'll consider myself a Support master but not a MNC master. I actually have NEVER ONCE ever played Gunner or Tank. I played Assault briefly before switching over to Assassin before finally settling on Support.

    Why? One simple reason. I hate FPS games. I hate them. They are so dull. I am a mediocre shooter at best. I have met my maximum potential at my shooting skill. Thus, being a medic for my team is something I really enjoy doing. Most RPGs, I generally go towards White Mages/Healers. So it works out.

    Anyway, I'm rambling on. My question is: If and When DLC comes out, will I know? Is it going to be displayed on the MNC title screen or Crossfire menu? I probably won't know from looking on the forums since I would only check maybe once a week, and would rely on the 360 Dashboard/MNC itself for information.

    Thanks for any useful answers. Notice how I say useful?
  2. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    The forums are obviously going to be pretty active when it is out but you will know when it is out because it's a patch and will update when you start the game.

    After you update the game though goto the Marketplace and get the free map since they are separate.

    There might be an Ad on the dashboard for the new map but it;s pretty busy this time of year and they might not want to let go of a black ops spot :?

    Oh, and Welcome to the forums :p
  3. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    There will be a Download Content on the main menu and when you go to play Xbox Live Blitz or Crossfire you'll be asked to download it and welcome to the forums :)
  4. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    OMG, you got his 700th post. Lucky.

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