Video below of a constant display bug when trying to make combat fabs do more than the game will allow. I can almost always replicate this bug, sometimes it will work fine, until like half way in, in conquering all the systems. Basically if i use a combat fab, to go and build a Metal Miner, while the combat fab is already assisting build something, then i will get a bug of some sort. Majority of the time i will get a temporary freeze of the game. Normally the game's display will freeze, sometimes permanently, the game will keep on running, or so i can still hear, but the display itself will freeze which will only involve the units, i can navigate around the planet, and hop between whatever planet or moon is in the current battle, but i won't be able to select a unit or perform any actions with any units. Or.. i will get one of the many variations of color, sometimes everything is a bright red.. and all units are a bright red.. and all planets turn white.. and i can see the wire frame and slates. EDIT~~~ Single player. No mods.
Hello, Please post your Dxdiag on the forums. It would be helpful to know your system specs. P.S. I believe the graphical glitch is caused by outdated drivers and the inability to select and/or move units is a UI crash.
Apparently i can't post anymore links to stuff on the forum. Says im a new user and have 0 links available to post.
Apparently, my hunch in reply #2 was correct. The graphical glitches (and UI crashes) were caused by outdated drivers (from 2013): Code: Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 Driver Version: Driver Date/Size: 12/20/2013 04:33:31, 18222008 bytes Please download and install the latest drivers from the Nvidia website:
You call that a display bug? This is a display bug! Accomplished by hitting F5 while the server lags. ;D
I'm not a windows user. Also didn't expect support/help as it's a one off (though I haven't tried to reproduce). Only posted for laughs.
UI crash? When the game locks up like this, if i wait about 6minutes to 10minutes, then it will just kick me back to the map, so i can click the fight button again.
I don't mean to bump this thread, since the display bug seems to be gone now with the driver updates. But i would like to know if the 2nd video posted in this thread, is in-fact a UI crash?
I'm not sure what you mean by "it will just kick me back to the map". But there doesn't seem to be any UI issues, so it's on the network or server side.