Discovery of the Mushroom Planet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by puga1999, March 22, 2013.

  1. puga1999

    puga1999 New Member

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    They saw it from afar... They didn't actually see it but their sensors detected it. This planet was different from the other ones. It was somehow more alive than the others. As they came closer, something like fear has come up to their artificial minds. But they continued and finally landed on the sticky surface of the planet. Every step they took has taken more energy than on any other planet they encountered before. And then they started disappearing in the slime-covered holes in the ground. They started their seismic and gravity sensors to keep away from these holes. But soon they found this was not the only danger of this strange planet...

    Want continuing?
    What this should be? A mod or a serious suggestion for Uber?
    Lemme know whatcha think!!!
    Critics are welcome!

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