This mainly applies to factories such as naval and land. I don't know about the next guy but whenever I build factories they always are built backwards than what I want and I just cant remember which way to build to make units I want pop out the way I want so i can be efficient with the room I'm given at the beginning of the round. Air units and orbital doesnt really matter since they are floating in the air, but land units matter since they usually bug out on the other factory if they were built right next each other. So I was thinking that an arrow could be placed on the factory during the build placement phase to show us where units will pop out of. This may not be of importance to some people and hell it might be shoved off as a lazy excuse to pardon me from remembering the direction buildings should be faced but when new players start playing and they lose because they couldnt get their main fighting force to move thanks to bad building placement, what are you gonna tell them. DAMMIT JIM THESE PEOPLE HAVE FAMILIES. THEY ARE RISKING THEIR LIKLIHOOD AND BRAIN CELLS ON THIS GAME, AND FOR WHAT!? just so little billy could say that his dad beat 32 people that day with only 4 losses. I don't know about you but I am willing to sacrifice every soul and pancake to make billy dream come true.
You are odd, but I agree with the game-related part of your post. +1 to arrows. -1 to... everything else?
I swear they choose their initial build direction at random. The only way to be sure is to set the rally point yourself.
No what I mean is they will still come out the direction it usually does then heads to the rally, it cant do that if its bugged against another factory
If you're building several factories just place them side by side and leave a one-factory-wide path to the next row. You should be able to easily make out the exit ramps so at least you can have multiple factories spew the units in the same direction and have a path for them to net get stuck on the next row... I'm pretty sure that the bot/vehicle always leaves in the same direction and that you can see some small difference in the side structures on the wiregrid model when placing the factory to determine in which direction the creations will leave. But yeah, an arrow would be much easier than to always zoom in and closely inspect the structure just to set it the right way.
You can see the ramps on the wireframe model. As long as you give a factory a rally point, it will have units built in the best direction to get to that point. I think it works pretty good as is.
Don't forget you can chain the rally point just like any other move command, so you can force a factory to use a certain exit by putting a rally right in front of the ramp and using shift to add more points as needed beyond that, I did this all the time in Supcom/FA. Mike