[Devorax Z] Sniper Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by devorax, August 14, 2010.

  1. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Due to the overwhelming numbers of messages asking me how I "am so 1337" at sniping, I've decided to create a guide on how I personally play the sniper class. Keep in mind that at no point in this guide am I implying that this is the only way that sniper should be played.

    Overall Opinion
    The sniper is an excellent class and is one of the most crucial classes for winning a match against a high caliber team of players. The sniper is best used by players that have twitchy reaction times and precise aim. He is good at taking out players, but what a lot of people do not realize is that he is excellent at taking out turrets and downing the moneyball for a quick and flawless victory.

    Endorsements/Skill Build
    These are the endorsements I use and why:
    Gold: [Armor] - Having armor as your first endorsement increases the survivability of your sniper by a huge amount, allowing you to last longer in gunfights and survive most grapples.
    Silver: [Fire Rate] - Having a faster rate of fire will allow you to take out turrets easier, and drop the money ball faster (I will be talking about these more later in the guide)
    Bronze: [Skill Recovery] - I decided to put this one as my bronze perk because the snipers grapple is KEY to winning most close range fights, and having it cooldown quicker is amazing.

    Skill Build:
    At the very start of the match I upgrade my passive (bottom) and my grapple (right) each to level 2. Why the grapple you might ask? Because without upgrading it at least once, the snipers grapple is nearly useless. But when upgrading it to 2 you officially have the ability to ring people out, as well as insta-kill some classes. As the match continues I like to finish off the passive upgrade to 3 as soon as I can, then get my traps upgraded to allow multiple to be placed as well as getting the ability to freeze them in place.

    Role in Team:
    A lot of people think they are super good snipers simply because they are able to get sicknasty head shots. But a truly well played sniper is one that makes a huge impact on their teams victory. On top of getting your super 1337 pwnsome headshots, you should be pushing a lane with your team. You have a SCOPE, so can put it to work by taking out a turret in early-game. I see a lot of snipers sitting back in there base doing nothing but getting a high K/D and then bragging to your friends, all the while your team is getting rolled over.

    Long range: When you are a good distance away from your target, you have the opportunity to take your time. What I do, instead of sitting there trying to line up a shot before pulling the trigger, I scope in and drag the scope across their head pulling the trigger quickly. If done correctly it hardly even looks like you shot at them. If you miss, just scope in and try again. If your target is standing still though, of course just line it up and shoot.

    Dealing with assassins: Contrary to what other snipers say, I find the assassins to be the least annoying class to be up against of them all. If you are picking off people from a safe spot, make sure you have traps around. If an assassin triggers the trap you have 2 choices. 1) Shoot them in the head if your trap is upgraded enough to freeze them in place. or 2) Walk up and grapple them if your grapple is level 2 or higher. It also help to have a headset because stealthed assassins make a fairly loud humming noise.

    This part is in green for emphasis. People are confused as to why I picked armor, and the main reason they give is "any good assassin will stab you in the back anyways". But this is not true, at all. The headset I have is surround sound, meaning I have eyes on the back of my head. And the snipers cloak makes a very distinct noise. So if for some reason I don't have a trap behind me, I can hear her coming and all I have to do is stay looking at her, so if she gets a front grab on me, I will SURVIVE because of the armor endorsement, then all I have to do is press B and counter-grapple for an instant kill on her.

    End Game:
    If your team has successfully pushed a lane and the opposing teams money ball is down, you can now do what (in my opinion) the sniper does best. You can get in a far away spot (I may be uploading video guides on this part) and start taking shots on the money ball while the other team has no idea where you are. So juice up, get in position, and win the game.

    If your team has NOT successfully pushed a lane and dropped their shields, then try your best to make it to overtime. Pay attention to the overtime clock, at about 20 seconds, you should make sure you are juiced up and rush over to the spot I was talking about earlier and you should be able to EASILY down the moneyball by yourself in less then 10 seconds.

    I will be adding more to this guide (especially the gameplay section) very soon. There is no point in posting things like "thats not a good idea" or "i do it this way instead and its better" because if you look at the first thing I wrote, this is how I personally play sniper and in no way is it the ONLY WAY to play.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  2. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    Great the last thing we need is another you...GG noob
  3. devorax

    devorax Member

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    No guide can help with gunskill!

  4. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    You guys make a cute couple..

    I dont like using armor on my Sniper, I prefer to stay behind walls pop out headshot and move back.

    I dont play an offensive sniper though, I usually keep bots clear in a lane and pick off people in that lane, however I do like the part about endgame.
  5. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Somebody didn't read the guide.
  6. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    Whatchoo talkin bout willis? I read it, I am saying I dont use armor... If I disagree you assume I cant read your post/article... on sniping???

    If you and L3GIT wanted to be alone my bad for getting in your closet... cmon out!
  7. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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    So why armor?
  8. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Having armor as gold endorsement allows you to survive most of the games grapples.

    So if you see an assassin you can just face her and if she does happen to get a grapple off it will not kill you, allowing you to counter-grapple for an easy kill.

    It also lets you survive a LOT more under the fire of lets say an assault or gunner.
  9. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Please read the last part of the guide, written in bold.

    And as for me and L3G1T, our love is supposed to be kept private :roll:
  10. BlueZebra

    BlueZebra New Member

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  11. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Still deciding...
    When Im trying hard I go 3.
  12. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    So I cant post my 2 cents on your forum? I was just saying what I do, not saying your stuff was wrong.. are you seriously that sensitive that you think everyone is against you???

    I was giving you props for your endgame strategy and saying how I played during the game...

    Dont get your panties all twisted, Im like 8k on the leaderboards, nothing special...
  13. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I was thinking about your setup for a long while Devorax. For me, that gold armor sounds like a crutch. Against good AZAZNs they will assassinate you from behind (which you can't see coming unless they miss, but we are talking about "practiced" AZAZNs.), in which case, you're dead. Outside of that, the various grapples and atks against a sniper will either ring out or kill w/o armor to some extent. I see armor helping in midrange fights, but up close, you'll have rely on better skill such as the use the traps and and timed grapples and evasion to win. Armor will give you an edge, but at close range a sniper isn't as effective w/o grapple or traps. Since you don't have clip size, your mechgun sucks the big one, unless you're trying for a no-scope kill; to which I say good luck w/o accuracy. quick sniping up close is not my forte, so I can't comment on it.

    In the end, I just don't see eye to eye with you on having armor. Half the time if I'm killed, it's an assassination. The other half is an air strike. I'm not the camping sniper either, I push the lanes and clear paths every time. Since snipers excel at CC through various types of AoE, I figured, make his strengths stronger and overcome weaknesses by exploiting them.

    My example would be using your freeze traps as a barrier. Since it's pretty much them that kill me I will put 2 traps (I always upgrade freeze traps at the beginning) around the various routes by me and the bots and snipe in the open. When I hear cold pain, it's simply a matter and turning and getting a free headshot, cloaked or not (or flak em').

    In any case, you're build has some nice do-dads and admittedly more survivability than mine, if doesn't match my play style nor does it maximize atk (unless you die considerably less than me while doing more dmg).

    My build is this:

    S:Skill Re

    I'm debating whether to boost clip size to S. I need to run tests to see how much it does what. I think I will make a post with my findings for all the "perks" in a different thread. I'll be sure to link it.
  14. devorax

    devorax Member

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    Against good AZAZNs they will assassinate you from behind (which you can't see coming unless they miss, but we are talking about "practiced" AZAZNs.), in which case, you're dead.

    No, not at all. Not only can I see them coming, I can hear them coming. I don't know if you missed the part in the guide which says that assassins make a distinct noise when cloaked, but I have a surround sound headset meaning I have eyes on the back of my head. Not to mention the fact that I have traps and know how to place them well.

    but up close, you'll have rely on better skill such as the use the traps and and timed grapples and evasion to win.

    You are underestimating the power of the snipers grapple.

    Armor will give you an edge, but at close range a sniper isn't as effective w/o grapple or traps.

    That doesn't make any sense because you can still use grapple and traps when you have armor... And in fact it actually helps you survive long enough to do so. Having armor means you survive grapples, so you can mash B and immediately counter-grapple for the kill.

    Since you don't have clip size, your mechgun sucks the big one

    Are we talking about the same class here? And if you are referring to the uzi then no the uzi does not really need clip size due to it's incredibly fast reload speed. (even without reload speed endorsement).

    unless you're trying for a no-scope kill; to which I say good luck w/o accuracy.

    Perhaps I need to add to the guide how strongly I feel against OpTic-Gaming no scopers. And if you are saying that the sniper is useless close range you are wrong because quick scoping is an art form that pops many heads when performed by talented snipers, close range and long range.

    quick sniping up close is not my forte, so I can't comment on it.

    You pretty much did in the previous sentence, implying that no-scoping was the only thing you can do close range besides having a clip sized+ "mech gun".

    In the end, I just don't see eye to eye with you on having armor. Half the time if I'm killed, it's an assassination.

    Once you gain the ability to detect assassins better, you might start seeing eye to eye with me in armor. Because if you no they are coming there is no way they can get you in the back, and the front doesn't kill you when you have armor.

    When I hear cold pain, it's simply a matter and turning and getting a free headshot, cloaked or not (or flak em').

    Exactly.. It sounds like you get it. So I don't really understand why you have so much troubles with assassins.

    My build is this:

    I don't really have a comment on your build because if you are having fun with it then thats all that matters.

    And besides, the last thing I want is more people playing like me out there. ;)
  15. devorax

    devorax Member

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    There is no point in posting what you do better and why.

    If you would like, you can make a guide too.

    I made this guide because of the numerous people asking me "how i'm so good".
  16. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I won't reqoute your qoute as it's bit too long. Rest assured, I'm not putting words in your mouth.

    No, not at all. Not only can I see them coming, I can hear them coming. I don't know if you missed the part in the guide which says that assassins make a distinct noise when cloaked, but I have a surround sound headset meaning I have eyes on the back of my head. Not to mention the fact that I have traps and know how to place them well.

    I had forgotten about that when I made the point, though considered while formulating it in my mind. My point was, if you're going to turn around accept a grapple, why not turn and jump away avoiding one? I too have hear them coming (though not to the highest caliber with my current setup. However, when I do know they are coming, circle strafe/flak/mechgun [I call it mech as it reminds me of the mech guns in Phantasy Star and I don't like the sound of uzi.] You're compromising your skill to actually avoid assassinations for an attempt to survival. Remember, if you accept a grapple, you loss close to half your life or more. My strategy is to just avoid that all together. Careful movement and trap placement negates the need to mediate dmg. This stance comes from my position of avoiding dmg rather than mitigating it.

    You are underestimating the power of the snipers grapple.

    On the contrary. I chill with grapple lvl 2 till endgame. That thing is awesome and I usually don't need more since ringouts are a cinch. Furthermore, I don't see how you can make this claim based on what I said since included "timed grapples".

    That doesn't make any sense because you can still use grapple and traps when you have armor... And in fact it actually helps you survive long enough to do so. Having armor means you survive grapples, so you can mash B and immediately counter-grapple for the kill.

    What I meant to say was that it's offense that kills, regardless of defensive play. Running and baiting is still offense just like shooting someone of ringing them out. You aren't in anyway limited with armor. I'm just considering other options to survivability over more hps. Higher dmg output is what I consider more important given the sniper's defaulted setup (i.e. high direc dmg, CC, normally faster, less dmg mitigation.). Again, I choose to not take hits and consider using my offense to the fullest rather than gamble a longer fight. It's a difference in play styles.

    Are we talking about the same class here? And if you are referring to the uzi then no the uzi does not really need clip size due to it's incredibly fast reload speed. (even without reload speed endorsement).

    Let's be serious here, you know full well I'm talking about Snipers -_-'. It didn't take you long to figure out I was talking about his 2ndary. You can't argue that the you couldn't lose a 1v1 duel up close to another sniper isn't lost in 1.5 seconds. I tested how fast you reload. It's pretty fast and reload endorsements don't much too much of a difference. However, with 4, 6, or 10 more shots (thereby doubling the capacity) you are at a disadvantage. I didn't mean to compare you build to mine. We can forget this portion. Feel free to hit me up on live and we can chat all about it.

    Perhaps I need to add to the guide how strongly I feel against OpTic-Gaming no scopers. And if you are saying that the sniper is useless close range you are wrong because quick scoping is an art form that pops many heads when performed by talented snipers, close range and long range.

    You can take my words as face value. I said good luck. I'm not saying it's easy and I'll leave it at that. You are quick to call me wrong in something I never stated... Sniping is an art that can be appreciated in many situations. If you are no scoping, it's to your advantage to have accuracy. That reticle is pretty big w/o ACC and as I've tested, your shots go all over the place. Best to stick with quick sniping rather than gamble (unless you engage bit targets. You really can't miss a Gunner in your face =D.

    You pretty much did in the previous sentence, implying that no-scoping was the only thing you can do close range besides having a clip sized+ "mech gun".

    Again, jumping the "mechgun" [no space]. You are recieving false implications. Good luck = it ain't easy. =/= it's useless.

    Once you gain the ability to detect assassins better, you might start seeing eye to eye with me in armor. Because if you no they are coming there is no way they can get you in the back, and the front doesn't kill you when you have armor.

    If I haven't already, I've said many an assassination on me "Hrm... maybe I should put on armor." But I keep being mobile, covering my outs, getting better with the mechgun and using cover while taking advantage of certain skill weakness (i.e. jumping over slams and circle strafing AZAZNs), basically I feel that it wouldn't compliment my playstyle nor would it benefit my build as a whole. I do feel that it's a crutch meaning you are relying on the armor to save you. If you one can dodge as great as they can, you don't need the armor. I'm not at that level, but I'm at the leave where I know armor just isn't going to save my life. Perhaps I draw too much attention with my cover fire and bot escorts. Or maybe I'm just easy pick-ins.

    Exactly.. It sounds like you get it. So I don't really understand why you have so much troubles with assassins.

    Stems from not always hearing them, grapples missing, or being out of traps for various reason. AZAZNs fixate on lighter armored targets as they are easiest to down. 1 AZAZN might get me but it's usually 2. Furthermore with how i play, I'm in the thick with bullet and bombs going off. I normally can faintly here the sound, but it's usually too late. I'll need to practice my ears more.

    On a normal basis, I have to kill 2 AZAZNs on me at the same time. I'm getting quite better at killing both, but in early game, it's pretty tough. If I can stop being around the bush, w/o defense, front grapple kill and with 2+ AZAZNs, one it probably going to get me. I don't have surround sound or hi-def but I'm blessed to have what I have and use it to the best I can. I rely on my teammates a lot to call them out or my ears will have to do some work.

    I don't really have a comment on your build because if you are having fun with it then thats all that matters.

    By seeing my build I thought you might have an understanding to how I play. I apologize for assuming this.

    And besides, the last thing I want is more people playing like me out there. ;)

    There isn't anything wrong with people emulating you (This is a guide and I imagine you expected for such an outcome lest you deny the truth.). Ultimately it's a matter of how you have fun and how I have fun. Our fun is different even with the same class. The tactics people employ in a given area amazes me. It's not my intention to change your ways at all or say you're wrong. Just showing some other builds.

    I mean, if someone came here and said "MY BUILD ROAX SOX! Gold: Reload Silver: HP regen and Bronze and all use are grapples" I would kindly laugh in my head and say "Go-head on soldier-boy".
  17. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    Devorax people can discuss in the UBER thread, whatever they wish on topic... please stop being a "know it all" Nazi and trying to discredit everyone who posts here... it really makes you seem.. well, like a jerk...
  18. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    Haha he means well, he probably just read your post wrong :)
  19. devorax

    devorax Member

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    I searched through that entire response, digging for something that made sense. No luck.

  20. devorax

    devorax Member

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    If you think I am being a "know it all" Nazi, please refer back to the very first thing I mentioned (in bold lettering) in this guide.

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