I read on one of the steam discussion topics that you can enable certain developer options(I.E. cheats, etc.) in the game, but at the cost of not being able to log in,(And by extension, not even playing.) Well, I think, that since Sins of a Solar Empire has a developer version(used for debugging, probably like the PA Dev version would be for), that maybe you guys can release a method to where we can play the developer flagged version of the game, to help with things like debugging mods.
This won't be possible until the server is released, thereby allowing players to play offline. And that won't be until beta.
PA have developer flag "--devmode" which was usable for some older builds at least. Right now it's want local network server which obviously not available. Anyway it's wasn't anything important for modding: only enable some wireframe and pathing debug stuff. Most mods are UI mods for now, and some nice debugger tool was released few days ago: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=50276 It's not really useful for current modding system (which incomplete and bad), but in future it's will be very useful for UI debugging.
This may be possible before we release the server. We just need a 'sandbox' game mode where the server flags are set to allow debug commands.
That's will be extremely helpful for mods testing! Want to believe you can do something like that. Currently I need to build fight AI every time I want to test something :?