Developer Notes

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by oxide246, July 23, 2013.

  1. oxide246

    oxide246 Active Member

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    Hey everyone. I'm starting a list of things people would like to see available in modding. The list is quite small at the moment and I'll be adding stuff to this as I continue writing mods. If you would like to see something added here, write a comment below and I'll include it.

    Some of these features may already exist and I haven't found them yet. I will mark items in this list if they get added/fixed.

    - Expose game ID to JavaScript, The LobbyID isn't consistent between players so can't be used to determine if players are in the same game.
    - Expose unit positioning information to JavaScript (maybe via a websocket) to allow development of minimap ideas on the web layer.
    - Expose planet geometry information to the web layer also for the minimap.
    - Downloadable reply files or some kind of interface to get to the data on the server.

    Code inconsistencies and suggestions
    - Unit order "maneuver" is spelled correctly in the JavaScript, but incorrectly in the engine which is spelled as "manuever".
    - Keep orders in the JavaScript consistent with the engine. e.g. Energy commands in the JS use "energy hold" and "energy consume", but the engine call uses "off" and "on". Every other move order is consistent between JS and engine.

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