Other Changes These changes are not listed in the patch notes. New Hover UI: New strategic icons for metal spots: New Units Orbital Launcher Metal Cost: 30000 Health: 2250 Build Rate: 60 metal (4500 energy) Sight Range: 70 (Surface and Air) Orbital Fighter Name: Avenger Description: Orbital Fighter: Fast moving orbital fighter for offense and defense. Metal Cost: 9570 Health: 2500 Radar Range: 180 (Orbital) Sight Range: 70 (Orbital) Damage: 250 (1.5 shots per second) Max range: 150 Radar Satellite Description: Radar Satellite: Detects a large area for enemy land, sea, and air units Metal Cost: 24600 Health: 3750 Energy Consumption: 10000 Radar Range: 1350 (Surface and Air) Sight Range: 70 (Orbital) Unit Changes T1 Tank (Ant) Damage: 33 -> 42 Health: 100 -> 125 T1 Naval Mine (Jellyfish) New Description: Defense: Detonates what when subs or ships are near T2 Battleship (Leviathan) Can no longer target Air T2 Tank (Leveler) Damage: 400 -> 500 Health: 500 -> 625 T2 Tactical Missile Launcher Range: 600 -> 500 T2 Nuke Launcher Added Build sound T2 Anti-Nuke Launcher Added Build sound Nuclear Missile Start Velocity: 100 -> 40 Max Velocity: 100 -> 75 Slight change to movement stages Anti-Nuke Missile Start Velocity: 80 -> 400 Max Velocity: 200 -> 400 Modders See PA Modding Changes for a list of changes that affect mods.
Don't Anti-Nukes move a bit too fast now? I mean, that can't look good when they just go.. WOOOSH BOOM.
To be honest, I haven't managed to see anti-nukes fly yet at all since you either nuke the enemy in the fog of war or when you get nuked I'm zoomed out so much that I can't see the tiny anti-nukes. So I'm kinda curious how it looks, somebody should make a video.
Ah watching a few games yesterday I was sure the ants and levelers were stronger but didn't see anything about it before now.