Just had an interesting game with neo screamo. He was building halleys, so I put a teleporter on the planet and sent a few friends over just as he switched them on. Even though I blew them all up within seconds of them being on, the planet still made it's way to its destination. I know the intended route is probably precomputed by this point, but if you manage to pull this stunt off, I don't think the planet should hit - it probably should resume a new orbit of some sort. Thoughts?
I believe this exact situation has been discussed quite extensively over the past year. Most agree the moon should (if it's not too close already) assume an elliptical orbit around the sun if the halleys are destroyed enroute. If the moon in question orbits the planet it is smashing, it's just too close. Some dev has mentioned it in a livestream, just cannot remember who or when.
Sounds like a neat idea to me. Technical to program for such little change, but better than current system albeit small.