Describe your best frag kill(s)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Zutsumi, April 4, 2011.

  1. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    Here's mine:

    I was sniping on top of spawn ring in Ammo Mule, on the left side, and sin was on close-left bridge, used ejector, took some fire and proceeded to use smoke bomb/cloak-high jump in direction of mid-dome, I said forget it, turned to lower right side(pretty much a 135degree turn) to kill some bots shooting the rockit turrets, then said f*ck it, random guess-flickshot to where I thought he would be, then boom! Mid-air Quickscope headshot. Got called an aimbotter and more lawls ensued :3

    What's yours?
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    I backgrappled OD on Steel Peel when he went up an ejector.

    Aww yeah.
  3. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I have too many. Trying not to brag. Some are really funny and a few are "what, the what!"
    I was playing Sniper on Spunky (Icemen) and if you can imagine being at the Annihilator and looking at the enemy corridor, I got 2 back-to-back noscopes on, WAIT for it, an assault who was bunny jumping and a gunner who was flying on top of the wall beside the corridor. Just RT, boom, RT, boom. I was testing Gold Rate and Silver Acc. that game and I was also host. But anyone would have "oHhHhHhHhH-ed" after it aswell. :D

    I also remember, Tank/Assault grappling (I can't remember that durr), IG THOMBOW from his spawn ring, on low health right onto the heat mats and burning himself to death. I seriously think my throat was raw from laughing so hard. Damn.

    I once pancaked two pros at once as Gunner. I didn't realise at first but then made out the forms of two Supports mashed together on the floor.

    But I will never forget quick scoping a cloaked Assassin in the air. I just couldn't believe it. (wasn't butter).
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Had a good one just the other day..

    I was playing gunner, and someone on the other team was also playing a pretty good gunner. We were basically trading kills in stupid gunner duels for a while.

    Map was Grenade III. At one point he was on the upper level just past his bot spawner and I was in the middle. I thought about taking the middle jumppad up to the bridge for another stupid gunner duel. But instead, I took the one to the right, that goes over the bridge to the front of their base. Killed him as I flew over his head at high speed

    Not the most difficult thing to pull off, but it definitely looked cool and caught him by surprise. In retrospect, I should have gone for the flapjack kill
  5. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    4 consequent hits with a railgun across the Spunky on an enemy sniper, who was jumping around and trying to headshot me. He left immediately after.
    Also, midair product grenade kill on a smokejumping assassin. Totally random.
  6. corducken

    corducken Member

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    I remember two old ones from back when I still consistently played crossfire:

    1. Sniping on steel peel, aiming for enemy tank in their base from middle. I pull the trigger, shoot at the tank and hear a *ding*, so I unscope and notice he's still alive. I hide around the corner to avoid rail gun shots and figure out what happened and look through the ring in the center just in time to see an assassin corpse dissolving away. Apparently an assassin had jump pad'd over, lunged at me, and got hit in the head with my shot and kept their momentum.

    2. As tank LazeRazor, an assault and assassin are taking potshots at our turrets from the windows. I jump pad up to middle, they notice me and start unloading. I charge in, hit them both, and they both get rung out - the assassin jumps and consequently flies over the glass barrier and the assault goes at a perfect angle and misses both the glass and ejector pad area, and I survive with less than a quarter health left. Taunt for good measure means an easy $200.

    TBQH, if #1 had happened to me, I would be booting up FRAPS right then and there. It's mostly supposition, too. It could've been possible they were running past me to get someone else but they weren't cloaked (didn't hear it) and my scope wasn't obscured for a second, so they must've been there for only a split second. Shot of a lifetime.
  7. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    :) headcrab into charge lv3, spin 180 taunt and detonate...
  8. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    The best kills are still always those random potshot ones such as:

    • 1. People who just happened to walk/run/charge/lunge/drop their heads across your sniper dot even though you had 100% no intention of killing them whatsoever.

    • 2. Randomly testing out the mortar gun at super long ranges and managing to knock down some unfortunate bloke that you had no idea was there.

    • 3. Explode a bomb and all of a sudden see an unexpected flaming assassin flying off into the horizon.

    • 4. Charge into a cloaked assassin as Tank to ring her out, and then discover that her other cloaked friend was right next to her as well, sending both out for a pleasant bonus. <- This one actually scared me during the Free/Assassin Galore Weekend.

    It's also always entertaining managing to dash to the enemy Support who managed to plant an airstrike on my head just before it goes off, taking him down with me. :lol:
  9. ars0n1st

    ars0n1st Member

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    It is hard to remember all the best frags I have gotten. But...

    The most memorable sniper kill I have gotten was on spunky cola. I was standing right above the left base turret trapping and sniping the enemy team as they left spawn and WhiteHawke sneaked behind me as a gunner. The second I notice he slams and sends me flying out of the arena; as I am passing over the spunky can I quickscope and headshot him right before flying to my death.

    The rest of my best kills are just comical or accidental that happen all the time. Gut punching assassins that face grapple me as tank. Headcrabbing or airstriking people from obscene distances. Accidental ejector kills on assassins trying to hide. Sniping snipers with the grenade launcher. Anything else that causes people to rage and complain.

    Delboy summed up most of the best kill scenarios.

    Zarakon's post below reminded me of a kill so I had to edit. I headcrabbed a sniper on ammomule and just left it on him. He ran to spawn and hid for a while...his team informed me he was complaining about it. I went to blow the bomb and nothing happened and I noticed he jumped to his death.
    Last edited: April 4, 2011
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Another fun one from the other day..

    Headcrabbed an assassin and let her run away. She hid in the little alcove under the ramps on Ammo Mule for quite a while, then finally came out and starting running around. When she started coming my way, I started my "I take large steps" taunt and detonated the bomb as she was in mid-lunge toward me, in the middle of the taunt.
  11. Fangeye

    Fangeye New Member

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    My favorite kill was as Assassin on Lazor Razor. I was walking out the right bot lane from spawn, don't see any enemy pros and proceed to walk accross the ejector. Next thing I know I am sailing through the air . . . and land right behind the Assassin that was camping the ejector cloaked and I immediately whip turn and backstab them =P.

    I then went and started killing bots and turrets from that tunnel below and when that assassin respawned they snuck around behind me and lunged and slashed at my back. Upon getting hit by the lunge I once again whip turn and grapple them. I get the grapple off first because they followed the lunge up with a slash and they die because they didn't have gold armor. They then accused me of aim botting as an assassin XD.

    One last one was face stabbing an assault for the kill right after they headcrabbed me. Not proud of it because it was a straight face stab but it was amussing to watch the dagger grapple animation with the bomb on my face and the terror in their eyes as they furiously mash the detonate button =D.
  12. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    Doesn't the bomb detonate if the assault dies?
  13. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Nah, it just disappears.
  14. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Can he not detonate the bomb during the grapple? You can detonate it after the match ends, and you can detonate it while taunting..
  15. corducken

    corducken Member

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    If he "furiously mashed the detonate button" it would've gone off. The bomb doesn't disappear until they're physically marked as dead, which doesn't happen until both players are released from the grapple.

    Which probably means he didn't notice the facecrab or he didn't think about it.
  16. Fangeye

    Fangeye New Member

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    Ha! Wasn't expecting to start a debate XD. The bomb has a one second delay after being thrown before it can be detonated and he literally headcrabed me right as I initiated the grapple. He may not have tried but I don't think he had the time to detonate it even if he did /shrug.
  17. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Oh I think i had my funnest kill today. You see I've been playing assassin more often and I have gotten miles better. I attribute this to having Gold armor and a sense of when to go in and when to run like a mofo.

    The situation; I was on Spunky playing a pretty good round of assassin as the team's tank was doing a pretty bang up job of holding off the bots so that the rest of the team could harass and kill turrets.

    I had just respawned and bought passive3 when I noticed to buzzing of an unfriendly assassin hiding by our bot spawn. I head around the corner ready to ponce when the other assassin facegrapples me with the shuri-gun. At first I was humiliated until I realized "Hey I run gold armor and retaliated (by accident with) with a shuri-gun face grapple of my own.

    To my glee and laughter the final slap confirmed my suspicion that my opponent was uneducated and was running no armor. It was a triumph as an experienced assassin against a lesser foe.
  18. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Oh you bastard. If it wasn't for that annihilator going off at the same time, I would of heard you. Very crafty though.

    As for my best kill, Grenade 3 underneath the bridge as an assault. Juiced tank comes in to **** some stuff up, I lvl 3 charge him and throw a bomb up in the air behind him before doing so. I uppercut him and he rockets towards the sky and I get a headcrab (only barely, it touched his foot at least) in mid-air on that unlucky son of a gun.

    That and also headcrabbing awpteammoose from 40 feet away in a crowd of bots when he was sin. :D
  19. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I have 2 really good ones. One isn't really a frag kill since I didn't get credit for it though.

    On top of one of the ejector button arches on Ammo Mule, I spot an assassin who has been tearing up our team pretty hard so far this match. She lunges at me thinking I didn't see her since I was busy trying to dodge a sniper fire. Just as she lunges I jump and use my jets (playing assault) she proceeds to lunge under me and off the ledge to her death.

    The other one is also on Ammo mule. There is a sniper harassing me from the far left area shooting through those little windows down by the jump pad to get up to the ejector ledge. I get out of his line of sight, jump, throw a bomb up and over the wall, figuring at the least I'd flush him out. I see the "headcrab" pro-tag show up. I begin laughing and then blow it up. The throw was literally in the air for a full 3seconds before landing, and I couldn't see the target, AND he is the smallest sized class in the game. Was perfect.
  20. MrHTRW

    MrHTRW New Member

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    It was on spunky cola and I was on my sniper, was basicly a base rape. I was on the other teams right side and I threw a trap right on the point where they jump off and as alot of them were exiting spawn I threw a flak at the trap, caught a gunner and a tank in the trap + flak and shot them till the sheer AoE killed them both then turned to shoot a support and got a headshot on him as a assult was running behind him. So that was a 1 shot - 2 kills hs. Turned to the right and got a quick headshot on another gunner, then I turned down to their money ball where I picked their assassin that was running around.

    That was when I got my All Time Great achievement.

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