Please don't move this thread, I prefer it Xbox gen discussion. Who has it? What's everyone's thoughts so far from the beta and full version
My brother has it. I used his 2nd character slot to see how the game was. Besides the servers being crap (good thing it's Trion Worlds and they thought ahead allowing them to patch whenever and how many times they want) the game is actually quite addicting. It reminds me of a mix between Borderlands and Crackdown just with a crap tons of actual players running around. Haven't played too much. Since it is an MMO I am hoping and was looking for groups missions/raids and PvP but I wasn't able to find it.
from what ive seen it looks like it controls like mass effect but plays like borderlands... i might get it next week but as of right now im in between 3 games
I haven't heard anything good about it. Why would this belong in the MNC Xbox section? It's a multiplatform release (including PC) and it isn't MNC.
Controls like Mass Effect? Hardly. It's a shooting game. Not a powers using ARPG. Gunplay and finding new gear is the main draw of the game. The gunplay is very much like Borderlands. I even believe it;s safe to say it's where the gameplay was inspired from Borderlands. Though the sandbox nature and it vast feeling, personally, it gives me this Crackdown vibe. Where no matter which direction I travel in I will have something to do. I guess what really gives me the Crackdown vibe is the art and animation style. The environment is nothing like it but....... ACTUALLY! Scratch off Crackdown and replace it with Red Faction: Guerilla. Many players' concerns are the game's lasting power. In which case I believe Trion will achieve it. The have this weird obsession with new content, they can't stop making it. Seeing as how they already have a system in place allowing them to basically patch whenever they want to I can see how it's very possible for them to keep the content rolling. This is without even mentioning that the TV series (that will be on SyFy) is going to tie into the game with each influencing events in each.
If this is the game I saw hubris play on stream then it sucks majorly. Looked really, really terrible -- not even close to acceptable standards.
He's German, what did you expect. As for the game, I'm mostly skeptical as I'd imagine a console MMO would need constant updating, and that has not been too nice on Xbox so far. It looks like Mass Effect during dialogue, not really controls, but it reminds me of Future Soldier.
Here is my explanation: - console - third person - gun-play so far looked like some form of nade-launcher is about the best - jumps seem floaty, almost halo-like - No game so far has ever successfully combined shooting and MMO and this does not look like it does anything unique It reminds me of Firefall, which as most people know tanked even harder than PlanetSide 2. I don't see any redeeming quality in this title.
It's more that they're entirely based on traditional MMO aggro-based AI. Which DOESN'T work in a shooter