[Dedicated Server] Wang Factory

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by VoxNihili, January 12, 2011.

  1. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    I've seen a few other threads for dedicated servers, and thought that was a good idea. So, here's mine:

    I run Wang Factory. It's hosted in Michigan on my wife's scarcely-used PC. I welcome anyone and everyone to join and have a good time.

    The server uses three custom rules:

    1) No juice buying.

    2) No overtime.

    3) Class limit of 2 per class per team (this isn't currently working, but the settings are there).

    I probably won't change these, but if you think you have a convincing argument why I should, and would like me to, this would be the place to post it. N.B. I'd be happy to re-enable OT if the developers gave us a way to disable juice during OT.

    The server has a handful of admins already. These guys can help you out if you have a problem: Arcas, Ghostalker, Lep, Lepwave, Rag, and Vox Nihili. Granted, at this point, they can't do much more than kick or ban someone.

    All I ask of players on the server is to keep in mind that we're all here to have fun, so be cool to each other.

    Right now, servers don't support reserved slots, so while I'm not wild about it, if one of the admin group want to get on while the server's full, they might kick to make room. We promise to do it sparingly, and not to regular players that we recognize. I just want to give people a heads-up: a kick from Wang Factory isn't necessarily anything personal. We also realize it sucks, though. To that extent, I try to limit my kicking to assassins, because hey, schadenfreude can be fun.

    We also take reports of cheaters seriously. Think someone's cheating? Report him. Even better, have proof. We probably won't kick or ban just on an accusation, but several might result in a ban. And if you've been kicked or banned unfairly, let me know.

    So, let's hear any feedback you want to give: server stable? Ping times okay? Player X being a jerk? Just want to tell me my server sucks? Go right ahead.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    How are you kicking people to make room for yourself? I was under the impression we can only kick players if we're already on our server.

    Or do you just mean an admin that's already on will kick someone to make room for an admin that's not already on?
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Kicking people in this game for reserved slots seems like a bad idea if the game ever supports it.
    Last edited: January 12, 2011
  4. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    The latter. Someone needs to be on.

    I don't like doing it, but it can take hours to get the whole group of us all together if we don't.
  5. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    Yeah, I agree, but until/unless we get reserved slots, it's going to continue to happen.
  6. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I just don't like the idea of reserved slots for this game at all. Its not like Counterstrike.
  7. faits

    faits New Member

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    What incentive do people have to host servers if they can't play on them, though?

    I used to get huffy about getting kicked off tf2 servers, but a buddy of mine eventually said: "Fine, go and pay for your own tf2 server and turn off reserved slots so you can never play when you want." (and you know what? he had a pretty good point)
  8. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    That's basically my thought process.

    I don't mean to come across as high and mighty about this: I'm just some guy with a bit of spare bandwidth and CPU power. But I want to play MNC with my friends, and the only place I can possibly do that with any level of consistency is on my own server, so that's the place it's going to happen. I'd rather there was some other way; like if the game could gracefully handle having more people per-side like TF2 (e.g. when reserved people join, the server goes over normal capacity, like 13/12). But since MNC doesn't support that, I can either host a server and be no more able to game with my friends than I could on another server, or I can kick once in a while to make room for those times when a bunch of my friends all want to play at once. Neither's ideal, but without the latter, why on Earth would I host my own server?
  9. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Is there a specific reason why you kicked me? The highest scoring player on the opposite team?

    I have the impression that you kicked me either out of spite or because you thought I was hacking or something. And when I re-joined your server, you kicked me again. Honestly, I like your server, and depending on what you say, I will either return or avoid it.

    The name is "OD" online by the way.
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I would love to host my own server. I just don't know how.

    I just want a normal ruleset server to play on consistently.
  11. the_Monk

    the_Monk New Member

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    well Poly....you know me and how I am with "hosting" of ****..... hit me up privately if you want on my TeamSpeak and I'll help you step-by-step. ;)
  12. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    No, I don't want to cyber with you!
  13. the_Monk

    the_Monk New Member

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    LOL....well maybe I'll go crawling back to eeeeets then! :p
  14. do0t

    do0t New Member

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    To make room for his budz man, didn't you read the thread? Don't kick the bottom-fragging sniper/assassin, kick the top-fragging showboater!

  15. faits

    faits New Member

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    What do you not know how to do? All you need to do is forward the ports from the sticky and then select "create game" or whatever it says at the bottom of the server browser in MNC. Select 'dedicated server' and you're good to go.

    If it's port forwarding you don't understand, there are a lot of resources on the internet to help you with your particular router (i.e. portforward.com)

    just make sure you've got the bandwidth for it
  16. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Showboating or not, that shouldn't be a reason to kick a guy who spends his cash on supporting his teams defenses. And I have no problem kicking for his friends, but it comes off a little bit obnoxious to kick the guy that's pulling the team together. Why couldn't he pick the guy who just joined? Or even the guy with the most lag?

    When I kick people in my TF2 server, I always look for the guys with the highest ping, or the ones who just joined. It keeps the players and the game balanced, rather than looking somewhat desperate for a win.
  17. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Pretty much expect to be kicked if you're dominating. It's their server, their rules. But they should definitely change server name so good players know not to join.
  18. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    I missed this earlier in the thread. I kicked you because I suspected you were either cheating or having some sort of horrendous connection issue. On several occasions, you killed me at a range the AR simply wasn't capable of doing that level of damage with, and once was through the moneyball glass shield while you stood near the ejector. At least twice I hit you head-on with the level 3 assault charge-grapple and just rolled off you (while you weren't animating a grapple of your own). I had you step on a mine that should have ringed you out, and it didn't even knock you back. And two other players on my team were commenting that you were soaking up an incredible amount of damage without dying. I checked the stats, and you were something like 25-0 when the next highest scorer was 11-4, and most were in the single digit range. I didn't buy it;

    I'm not accusing you of cheating, OD, but something wasn't right. Maybe you're just that good, but more likely you're a very skilled player with some connection issues (you said you're in Turkey, right?) or bug.

    EDIT: I want to emphasize that I'm not calling you a cheater, and you're clearly a good player. Maybe you're just freakishly good. But you had more kills than your entire team combined, and with teammates all with a negative K/D ratio, you guys were still slaughtering us. That just set off my BS detector. I may be wrong. Maybe you're just so good that it's no fun for us normal scrubs to play with you, I don't know. But something felt really off.
  19. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    I understand, I didn't feel too much of a difference in the lag to be honest. As for my accuracy, I have a Silver Accuracy Endorsement for my Assault class, with a Gold Armor Endorsement.

    I know where you're coming from, it comes off very "strange", keep in mind though, I was making runs to your money ball and dropping bombs ever so once in awhile. But thank you for not calling me out as a cheater, I've been kicked from servers multiple times for so called "hacking", and it's rather annoying.
  20. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    In all honesty, it wasn't very cool for me to kick you like that without at least saying something about it, first. I'm sorry. Maybe I just had some bad luck and the teammates were confirmation bias.

    If you still feel like it, you're still welcome on the server. If not, well, I understand.

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