Dedicated server problems

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by dustoff, December 20, 2010.

  1. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    There seems to be problems running servers off the following OS's
    Can anyone add to this list so we can see where we stand.

    Windows 7/64 bit ..Server shows but locks first joined . Command line and in game.
    Windows server 2008 web edition server shows but locks first join. command
    Windows server 2008 standard edition server does not show game in lobby but can join via the open command, ran 12 hours with my self connected no problems.

    All the above are 64bit systems , the windows 2008 servers are in data centers with a open connection to the internet so there are no ports to forward etc. firewalls are off.

    Tried it on two different boxs running windows 2008 standard edition and the results are same . Boxes are in two different data centers also .
  2. dustoff

    dustoff New Member

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    If anyone would please try to connect by using the command open in your game console. I need to if others can at least join it if not see it .
  3. faits

    faits New Member

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    Tried and got a loading screen then "your connection to the host has been lost"
  4. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    im having the same issues, care to share how you fixed it, you obviously got your server running now.
  5. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    tried running the command line dedicated on a xp32 machine and I had the same server freezing when someone joins problem.
  6. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    I highly doubt it's an OS-specific issue, as I've been running a server on a Win7 x64 box with hardly any issues for almost 2 weeks now. The few problems I did have were solved by making sure all the ports were correctly forwarded.

    Make sure the Windows firewall isn't blocking it, make sure ports are forwarded correctly, and make sure you're not doing anything goofy with the command-line arguments when starting the server.
  7. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    The server is hosted on a VPS, that means a direct link to the internet, no port forwarding needed, windows firewall is disabled. server started with the default commandline given by one of the devs.
  8. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    We got a message from the devs stating they had a machine with that issue and were working on identifying what was going wrong, so I assume it's something a bit more complicated than a bad router or firewall configuration.
  9. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Yeah, my friend is getting this trying to run his server on his Win7 64bit OS. The Freeze upon first person joining.
  10. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    its not OS related indeed
    Rusty runs his server of a clean image of server 2008 standard edition.
    From my host i asked to install the same OS, they did.
    I ran the server and what do you guess? Server Idles after the first person joins.

    Now i do remember an odd issue i had, this game seems very sensitive to your network equipment and the firmware that ran on it.
    I recently upgraded my router to the latest firmware, everything worked perfectly, perfect speed, downloading is great, uploading speed is perfect. and all games working fine. except MNC.
    suddenly in MNC the server browser would not list ANY servers anymore, none.
    So i checked the log files from before and after the firmware update. They were identical!
    Both Logs show the servers that responded to a query.(They list IP, Steam ID and server description) yet i could not see any servers.
    I downgraded to an old firmware version. and what do you know!, the serverlist starts functioning again.

    So the game seems to have some netcode issues, and i think that this causes these freeze on join issues many are experiencing including myself

    Has anyone with this issue tried linking their computer directly to the internet without a router, does the server work then?
  11. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Yeah I'd like to know this too, but I can't try this because I have family members on wireless.

    p.s. Uber should put this up on their "known bugs" sticky. :roll:
  12. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    you can also ask your family nicely :p, would take just 2 minutes to find out xD

    There must be some OS related issue, just got the server running on the machine i was havin this issue on. i got it running by running a virtual OS on it.
    The only thing shared when running the server are the CPU, RAM and network adapter.

    Traffic from the network adapter to the virtual machine, CPU core and RAM is shared as normal.

    To bad UE has no idea what the problem is :(, its not that an easy reproducable issue.
    I could advise UE to rent a VPS at, theres your reproduction :lol: instantaniously, you don't have to do anything!

    Could anyone with the issue download the program called Dependency walker run MNC.exe through it (youll get an error, ignore it) and save it as txt for me to have a look at. (with a dxdiag if you don't mind?)
    I' m trying to find differences and similarities between working and non working Host OSes. If someone has an xp machine with this issue: i already got 2 txt files from working XP machines, just need one or two from machines that do have this issue.
  13. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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    I will do this later today. Stay tuned. :cool:
  14. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    small change :p, bit easier to make comparisons 5 minute job :p

    use the program called Sysinternals Process explorer
    run the server and open the above program
    go to view>lower pane view and click DLL
    now highlight the mnc.exe task and go to file>Save As to save the results as a txt file.

    If did find some differences between my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and Windows server 2008 R2. but i need more results before it could possible have a meaning.
  15. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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    Okay, here are the txt file and dxdiag:
    (It was made, when 0 players were joined and cpu usage wasn't dropped to 0. Because I didn't changed the ports again. So it seems the freeze occurs only when a player tries do join.)

    Attached Files:

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