Dedicated server not appearing as passworded...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by MikeyTWolf, February 12, 2011.

  1. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    And therefore last night when we tried to run a scrim, random pubbers just kept coming in and messing it up, forcing me to adminkick like crazy before the game was ready.

    Note, asides from the password not working, the juice buying also remained on when it was supposed to be disabled, and minimum number of players was set to 10, then 5 to see if that fixed it and the game STILL started with only one player, and although it read 20 seconds it instantly lept to 10 seconds the minute anyone joined.

    A command to change map NOW and a server setting to disable lobby timer would be most appreciated as part of the RCON feature.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Our server is still working as intended, set minimum players to 12 to make setting stuff up easier in the mean-time.

    Mapchange and the other lobby stuff would still be greatly appreciated though
  3. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Bump, trying to get another scrim working on this server and AGAIN it doesn't matter what the hell I put in my command line, it still runs the default settings, without a password, with the exception of server name and map rotation.

    This is incredibly frustrating, as is either a problem in the server, TCAdmin or HLDS.

    commandline is:

    server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfo_PreGameLobby?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?ServerDescription=nRG Vs. 6*?GamePassword=Password?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bAllowTeamSelect=True?bAutoBalance=False?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?MinNumToStart=5 -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAM_DEDSERVER -multihome= -nohomedir -ServerInstance=6 -seekfreeloadingserver 
    Oh FFS, it was broken because there was no quotation marks. Grr.

    Thought TCAdmin could have handled that automatically.

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