Does the clip size endorsement increase the damage of Death Blossom? Basically, does anyone know wheter DB damage is based on % of ammunition or # of ammunition in clip? How fast could a Tank spam Death Blossom with Gold Reload?
It's based on the percent of original clip of 50. If you have a full 50 ammo clip with no endorsement, DB will deal full damage. If you have 25/50 clip, DB will deal half damage. If you have 70/100 (Gold Endorsement), DB will still deal full damage, because the remaining clip is still 50 or more. Also, a Gold Endorsement in reload speed makes the reload only 1.5 seconds. However, that's not a big step away from Silver, which is 1.7 seconds. So you could spam it once every almost-2-seconds.
It's based off the amount of ammo you have no matter what your max ammo is. So if you have 50 max ammo and you have 25 left, it'll do 1/2 way between the max and the minimum damage. If you take an endorsement and have 100 max ammo and have 50 left, you'll do the same amount of damage as above. All the clip size endorsements give you is a shallower slope between between the max and minimum damage.
Really? Shucks, I got that off some Tank Guide. Now I need to hunt down that guide and tell him/her it's wrong. Sorry for the false information. I'm rather new to MNC too, just trying to help the newbies be.. not new.