I haven't seen him in game or raging on forums lately, but he is signed up for the playshadowrun tournament that's going to be happening in a few weeks. (deadlines this saturday) I wasn't gonna name our team grand prize until I saw he was signed up. I had to do it for the lulz. Hoping that we get matched up against him just to hear him rage. I don't even wanna troll him, he just let's it fly by himself.
Feedle, buy shadowrun for $5. You may not like the game but I bet $5 is worth the rage he'll have when you team kill him lol
I have it just don't have much desire to play it.. if i could learn the ropes and find him i could scrounge up a team to get him going. I could try and get enraged gnome in on it as well since those 2 have a past