Both Chollo and I took turns wrecking his gunner, and he gave us both polite hatemail. I offered to 1v1 him so I good add his head to gunners I've reckted, but he politely refused.
Well considering I have messages from a month ago saying he hasn't played in 2 months ago I don't know where he got 6 months from. Also I have never heard someone call a right hand 3rd personing.
I was "3rd personing" because I used the camera to see which way he was coming from so he couldn't get the drop on me. Later I found him in spunky and he juiced, I flew around a jumpjet to dodge bullets until his juice ran out and killed him. I've never seen a gunner hide in base and shoots mortars for juice until then. I was impressed.
FFS, I beat his gunner. That is pretty sad... And he always brings up that "I haven't played in [X] months" when we all know he plays on an alt account.
He was pretty good in 09.. Talk about Halo he's still living in 2005. Shadowrun? 2008. talking about MNC? It's still 2009 for him. It's funny how someone like Th3 Con3 wasn't even considered a top competitive player back in the day, and was able to come back like 3-4 years later and carry more than his own weight in PM's where the meta was advanced, but deadeye who was on the best team back then would get slapped by Ouiy's gunner to oblivion.
his ego broke a long time ago when mcloving and gigivus shotgunned him to death ever since then his credibility is as good as a dollar store selling everything for less then 1$