No, not a damaging question(that would be like "rate how much you enjoy raping puppies on a scale from 'I love raping puppies' to 'I can't live without raping puppies'" but then it also wouldn't be a question) but about damage in the game. How is damage calculated, precisely? What types of damage are there, as like a sort of elemental system? How many different types of damage and damage resistance are there and how do they overlap? Anyone who's spent even an hour playing the game can easily tell that damage dealt is based on the set value applied to an attack/bullet/weapon, distance from the point of origin relative to the target, any special element-like properties given to the attack/bullet/weapon or target, and then even more. What else is it that we don't yet know about damage? Personally, I think the more complex the answer is the better in this case
There are lots of things that go into damage. A weapon does a certain amount of damage. That damage gets modified by base modifiers of what the target is, distance to target, a damage modifier that can be affected by certain buffs and a few other things as well. It's a pretty complex system. I'm not going to go into specifics because I don't release actual numbers.
Blah blah blah. I know why you don't release numbers. Cause there aren't any. It's straight up magic. And that's a fact, jack.
:| Can't anyone share any knowledge we didn't already have? It would be lovely and satiate my curiosity well. It's too much like that...But without the clarity :| EDIT: Also, big poo on you Scathis for answering my question question.
I suppose I can say something about the whole damage thing from what I've played, even if I'm just a player. The 2 most common base multipliers are bullet and explosive. Bullet weapons get a damage bonus on Pros, but get a damage penalty on armored targets like bots and turrets. Explosives have a damage bonus on bots and turrets, but a damage penalty on Pros. Bullets are also effected by distance (Sniper Rifle being an exception), while explosives are not. The greater the distance, the lower the multiplier for bullets. The Tank's and Assassin's weapons don't fall into those categories as far as I can tell though. The Jet Gun might count as a bullet weapon for distance multipliers (ie more effective at close range), but I think the Rail Gun and Shuriken Launcher don't have distance multipliers. I believe criticals have a 2.0 (give or take) base multiplier that are increased by passive skills and critical shot endorsements. Juice is an automatic 100% critical chance and uses the base multiplier, but other skills (ie Gunner Deploy, Assault passive, Assassin Cloak 3) stack with this chance. Say a Juiced Assassin uses their Cloak 3 then fires a volley of shurikens. The shurikens will have a 200% critical chance, and do more damage than Juiced shurikens that aren't preceded with use of Cloak 3 because they only have a 100% critical chance.