Damage done to turrets by gunners

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by six_pounder, May 18, 2011.

  1. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    What do you think about the high damage output of the gunner vs turrets?

    situation 1 a support is healing a lvl1 rocket while a gunner shoots mortars: it would usually end with the destruction of the turret
    situation 2 : rockit lvl3.3 VS juiced gunner, 3~ of the mortar is enough to bring it down

    it doesnt take too much work to get juice for a gunner as it does to build up a lvl3
    if there is a gunner on the opposite team who is aware of the power of his mortar, building turrets is futile unless u have an exceptional team,
    I think that no class should be able to destroy a turret on their own which is being healed by a support, and that the 3-4 juiced rounds against the lvl3 rcokit is an overkill
    what do you guys think ?
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  2. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    If they didn't have the ability to kill turrets as well as they do OT would be even more common. Also, I've learned to hold juice longer as a Support during the later game specifically to counter Juiced pros trying to kill our base.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I approve.
    You mean Gunner vs Turrets.
    It does take more work to get juice IF your team has a mediocre sniper, mediocre assassin, and/or isn't turtling inside their base.

    Therefore, here is my solution to your problem:
    ~Don't turtle. Build the turret, look at it every once in a while, but mainly walk away and keep your team healed out in the field (the team should be in the field, not in base, so the enemy can't even get TO the turret)
    ~Make sure to have class balance. If you don't have a moderate counter to every class, you will find their class builds lots of juice and wrecks turrets. With a sniper, gunners don't juice. With a tank, assassins don't juice.
    ~Why aren't you juicing? Every class except sniper can juice wreck turrets. Support and assault are mediocre at it, but still can destroy one. Pretty much, prevent them from juicing and juice yourself.
    ~If it is still a problem preventing gunners from juicing, a break in a server with no juice machines is a pleasant vacation.
  4. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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  5. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Gunners were made slow and big. They're pretty much the siege weapon that you shouldn't be allowing to get in range of your towers in the first place. Not that you can do much about that when playing as a base-healing Support, so best hope your other team mates suppress his advancement enough, and establish map control.
  6. Xalerwons

    Xalerwons New Member

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  7. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Basically that's the game's way of saying turtling is a bad strategy.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Here's how I see it:

    Static defenses (turrets) are meant to be a BUFFER, not a solid wall. They exist to slow the enemy down so that you won't lose immediately when the enemy makes a surge or if your team has a lapse of focus on a lane. With no turrets, it could take just one juice, one annihilator, or a few concurrent deaths to suddenly bring down a moneyball. Add turrets into the mix, and you need a much more sustained and/or coordinated push to get all the way in.

    I actually feel that high level hacked/healed rockit turrets are TOO strong, but that's mostly just an issue that shows up on servers with more than 15min time limits.
  9. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    were destroying turrets.......**** your turtling

    and it is almost impossible to break a base with 3.3's rockits everywhere unless you have that gunner.
  10. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    I always find it a little odd how people keep saying juiced gunners are the only thing that can reliably take down a level 3.3 rockit tower.

    I had a game where the other team had no gunners, so what did they do to take down my tower? They coordinated it so that a juiced tank AND a juiced assassin simultaneously worked together to take it down. Sure it took two people, but it's really not like it's impossible if you just simply work as a team instead of this lone wolf mentality. But good luck finding that sort of coordination in a pub. Those two I mentioned just happened to be part of a clan. :lol:
  11. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    COORDINATION? In MNC??? Freaking hackers...

    Uber: Please nerf coordination. Thx.

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