This may have already been covered, if so please say, but does anyone know when, if ever, the custom start resources are going to be implemented? I'm assuming that the numbers under each starting slot in the lobby are custom start values for metal and power, along with a multiplier. Just wondering is all.
It will be implamented when it is ready. Any question for "when will x be ready" will be responded with "when it is ready." Uber does not provide etas on development because things go wrong during development and etas are difficult to stick with.
Well who would want to miss the holiday season for selling their game? The deadline is really short, but will likely flush some more money into Uber's accounts so they can hopefully put it back into the game. After all they said they will continue the development after retail release.
If it's anything like TA's it'll be modifiable amounts of starting resources. The resource multiplier is interesting. How they're going to implement it though (host decides?) is something i'm piqued by.
So we (and by we I mean Kevin) is currently working on the server side config and scripting stuff. This will make it a lot easier to hook all of this stuff up and get it working.
on that note me and Jacoby6000 need engine calls for moving the camera around, making selection boxes and such (possibly focusing on home-base if algorythms of the sort are in planing ) for our leap motion mod. our progress had a net halt ever since early august because of this :