Custom Class Set Ups

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by zKrink, August 20, 2010.

  1. zKrink

    zKrink New Member

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    What are you guys using for your classes?

    Assault - Rate of Fire / Clip Size / Speed

    Gunner - Shield / Accuracy / Rate of Fire

    Assassin - Speed / Shield / Health Recovery

    These are my main class uses so far
  2. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    for my gunna i like to use the armor accuracy then the clip size. clip size only being bronze but it still helps alot. probly the best bronze slots in my opinion. however it depends on wat type of class ur playing
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    These are what I use atm, but I do change them alot:

    Assault: RoF, Armor, Reload
    Gunner: Accuracy, Armor, Reload
    Assassin: Skill Recover, Armor, Speed
    Tank: Speed, Armor, Heath Regen

    Open to new builds but atm these work for me ;)
  4. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    After reading up here I switched my Assault set-up to be:

    Critical Shot / Rate of Fire / Reload Speed

    Makes for some good killing. General tip would be to to play to a particular strength (most likely passive) to get the best results out of the class rather than try to build an all-rounder. Example, for Support I use skill-regen heavily to get those firebases out and use the mortar heavily... with Gunner I use clipsize as top so when I deploy I can kill ~5 people before needing to reload. etc. etc. This is why I dont think the Default Assault class is really that great after you get some play time.
  5. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    assault accuracy/armor/skill regen
    accuracy makes the enemy fear you, i can gun down tanks and gunners before they can kill me, brutal at long range, the closer you get the deadlier it is. LT makes it devastating.
    armor makes you survive grapples, assainations from the front. (back will kill you even with armor gold) take more bullets. kill before you get killed.
    skill regen. obvious.. also keep in mind if someone tries to ring you out. 3/4 of the time you can fly back onto the map. then do it back to them see if they like it..
    i havnt used the gunner or tank much . i like to move fast.
    but the classes i made were dmg friendly.
    you can change em but these are dangerous provided you play accordingly.
    gunner clip size/accuracy/any
    note that rate of fire does NOT affect the minigun as much as you would think because the minigun takes time to start up and then and only then will the rate of fire kick in..
    you can change the class or not even use it.
    tank rate of fire / armor / reload or armor / reload / rate of fire i switch between both.
    note that the tank is best at close range. and with you firing your jetgun at the speed it is going with rate of fire gold nothing with stand for long.. armor silver is simply overkill.. so you can taunt them as they try to shoot you.. not literally.. second class up there for tank is if you use LT alot... like alot
    last one.
    sniper armor / speed / crit
    armor is obvious
    speed is because most people (except noobs) dont stand still. if you have a target. ie another sniper.. trying to cornersnipe you. throw a flak to block his vision of you. run to a better vantage point.. and claim your kill.
    again this is what i use personally.
    my play style is different then yours.
    hope this helped..
  6. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Do my teammates have mics?

    If yes: Assassin, armor/juice/rof. Lane hard, lane fast. Clean up bots with the dagger/sword, chase away or kill pros/turrets with the shuriken launcher. Make an effort (putting it lightly) to oblige when my teammates call out targets.

    If no: Assassin, skill/armor/health. Spend an unhealthy amount of time in cloak, make every kill a melee kill unless I'm compromised or against a Tank. Then it's back to the trusty shuriken launcher. Spend the whole match trolling the other team and racking up as many kills as possible. If I see my teammates making an obvious push, support them with whatever works. If at any time I think I'm going to die, immediately abandon the task at hand and return to the relative safety of my moneyball. Trolling and k/d whoring at its finest!

    If too drunk to tell: Support, armor/skill/health. Build Lazer3s and run laps in our base, making sure every turret and passing player is at 200% health at all times. When the enemy starts downing turrets, replace them with Rock-it3s if I have the money. Otherwise, rinse lather repeat. Did my team win the match? If so, drink more and repeat.
  7. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    tank- Armor, RoF, Skillz

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