Custom Assault Class - Bring the Pain

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Try2Die, August 13, 2010.

  1. Try2Die

    Try2Die New Member

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    I'm new to the forums, so I thought I would start out by contributing to the growing number of questions about "What's good, what's not". As everybody should know by now, every class has +'s/-'s. You can't win a game with any one class, but if you want to bring the pain on some of the other pros - here's how I do it, and why I do it... I would love to hear some feedback afterward to see if people agree/disagree with my POV. Remember, I am new to the game (I mean... I guess we all are); however, from testing these in the lobbies I have played in - this class really is in a league of it's own when you feel like taking out some enemy pros and getting some money for your team.

    Class: Assault
    Why? The assault class is a very well rounded class that provides amazing power, great health, a nice L3 grapple, and the ability to use the jet pack. Assassins can not kill with one hit from the front, and you eliminate them quickly after their little cut-scene is done. Did I mention you can hover and they can't grapple you anyway? Gunners and tanks get WRECKED from a distance, but don't let them get too close. Snipers, of course, can rape you from afar, but that's typically not a large threat. Support class has zero chance against you, unless of course, they drop an air strike on your head. In which case A+A+B comes in handy (Jump, Float, Charge). It's a great all around class, that is guaranteed to get you kills and put money in your pocket quick.

    Gold Endorsement: Critical Shot
    I love the standard gun the assault class brings to the table; however, it's not as accurate as you need it to be to take people out quickly. The critical shot 'perk' really bumps up the power and allows you to put in work quickly on challenging enemies. This perk with the L3 gun (bottom upgrade on the screen) makes the gun a league of it's own already.

    Silver Endorsement: Accuracy
    Alright, we have a powerful gun now that can take out just about anybody from just about any range... but why not go all out and make your bullets hit the target more often. Your cross hair decreases in size a good bit, and with the critical shot - your gun is probably the most powered all-around gun in the entire game at this point. You should be able to knock out a standard assault class and only lose about 3/4 of your health on a heads up battle.

    Bronze Endorsement: Reload Rate
    The gun shoots, the gun kills... but the clip size can't take out 3 enemy players at a time. I use the reload perk here since the clip size still won't help out much when it comes to killing more people. The only other way to do it is to increase the speed of your reload. By combining these three perks you are really a HUGE force in this game, esp when it comes to other pros.

    Spend That Money
    Last, but not least, remember -- this is a team game... individual stats don't matter here. Yeah with this class I can set up a 4-1 or 3-1 ratio fairly easy, but the real support you do for the team is with the money. Keep the enemy team away from the mascot at all costs, invest your money in bots (I try to let the support team take the turrets to get some kills for them). If you have money on hand, upgrade a rocket turret.

    OVERTIME - Oh My
    Your team is now in overtime... well two assault guys can win it for you in a matter of seconds. Toward the end of the counter, if you have a little money - save it up... you want that $500 bucks for juice when overtime starts. As soon as the OT starts, purchase a juice, hover and charge over to the enemy platform, kill any enemy that is on the top with you (not the ones on the bottom, they never see you up top, there's no reason to say "Hey, here I am!"). Use the juice and start blasting at the money ball. Two juices from an assault class with the perks I provided above, and a team with a half way decent defense - the game is over or at least very, very close.

    I hope I helped out a few people getting new to the game, as we all are really. This is my favorite class by far when trying to rack up a few kills. Typically I do use my support class, just because they are a GREAT benefit for the team; however, when I get that trigger finger - I slap on the custom assault class and regulate kids real quick. Enjoy! Happy gaming.

    EDIT1: Changed word "Sponsor" to "Endorsement" - 8/13/2010@2:27PMEST
  2. Fireyosh

    Fireyosh New Member

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    This sounds like an interesting class loadout. My Assault custom class takes mainly defensive endorsements. My gold sponsor is armor, my silver is health regeneration, and then I usually switch out my bronze in hopes of finding a perfect match. Right now I have my eyes on juice for the bronze so that The assault can be a powerhouse attacker similar to the tank but with range.
  3. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    RtInteresting ideas here. Thanks for sharing. As for me, Once you do gold or silver skill recovery you'll never go back. Just saying.

    Btw, what are your thoughts with the armor endorsement. I've been playing around with it at bronze but not sure its worth the slot. I wish we could see the actual % benefit to gauge the endorsement ratios.
  4. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Just to clarify what the OP said about overtime: when overtime hits every pro gets gold level endorsements for all traits. You'll notice that when you respawn in over time endorsements running along the right side of your screen are all level three and that there are more than three of them. For this reason a gunner is very dangerous in over time because max fire-rate, accuracy, clip size, and reload speed is more dangerous on his dual mini-gun.

    But to get back on topic, my favorite assault class has level three armor, level two skill recovery, and level one health regeneration. I put my money exclusively into Charge and Bomb until both are maxed out. As a strategy I try to stay near corners or other forms of cover since range is limited without an accuracy endorsement, but it all works out since the bomb and charge are very effective at close range (and along the edges of a map you can ring out several pros without on bomb). Generally I survive an assassination unless they have the sword and third level critical strikes, so I can follow up with a charge (which is usually a one-hit kill against assassins).
  5. Try2Die

    Try2Die New Member

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    Yeah, I can understand where everybody is on the "go defense" for their traits; however, with the grapple being a very dangerous close range weapon - with good offensive traits (accuracy, critical, and reload/armor/clip size) it makes you a VERY dangerous medium range and close range class. Generally speaking, I don't run down the middle of maps either so I typically get a nice jump on anyone I shoot at (making defense less meaningful). If I know my team is going to hold the other team in the spawn, I may equip a defensive class just because I know I'm going to be taking a lot of damage.

    Good information on the gold perks for OT... Didn't know that. Thanks!
  6. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    I just tried your "all offense no defense" assault build and it worked out pretty well. I'm used to running around with level three armor, but I survived the better half of my firefights because I could take down enemies so quickly (as opposed to simply outlasting them like I normally try to do). Cover is much more important without armor, but I could mow down another assault before he could finish reloading.

    Freakin' sweet.
  7. Bryceybryce

    Bryceybryce New Member

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    Well I used to use the setup you're talking about, except with clip size in the last slot instead of reload speed. However, I recently changed out ROF for the critical shot and I'm loving it. It might be my imagination but the gun shoots with similar speed as the smg but with a huge clip and super accuracy. I can pretty much mow down anyone with it in a matter of seconds. So for all of you looking to build a kickass assault just keep ROF in mind.
  8. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    i run a different class. well two.
    accuracy/armor/crit crit/armor/accuracy
    its offensive and defensive, i gun people down and my skills are fast enough as is. i dont find the need to spam. so while you charge me twice or three times i will either avoid or survive your grapple throw and come back making you wish you hadnt done that.
    im a level 80 right now and when i get my teeth into you. cover is your only option.
    try it out if you want its a good set especially the first one. i will try your class out since its seems to be pretty vicious by description so thanks for the post. hope you enjoy my class.

    username = gamer tag
  9. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    I got ROF for the Bronze instead of Reload Speed, but that was only since Silver Accuracy came in where it wasn't before. Crit/Accuracy is a good mix, real good mix.

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