Hi guys, just for completeness and to ensure its fixed (hopefully next patch!), something in the current patch has decided it doesn't want to play nice with my system. I've been playing successfully with basically no hiccups since alpha. Upon installing current patch I get full game crash (pa.exe. has stopped working) upon hitting the join button upon selecting a match that's already been created. If creating my own game (say against AI) I can create lobby, join game and if i'm quick start the game (assuming progress indicator is still red) but if not it either crashes (pa.exe. has stopped working) before getting to yellow status if still in lobby, or loading the surface of the planet (if rushed) - UI still comes up fine. DXDiag attached, assume it must be hardware bug. as was working when I went to bed before patch, woke up and installed patch and broken
can you post the PA log file too C:\Users\"YourUserName"\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\PA-00-00-00.000.txt "Right click and Click sort by date so the most recent one is at the top, And post that one here." or delete all the log files then run the game once until it crashes , then go back to the logfile folder and post that PA log file (there should only be one then)
can you make sure HDR and Anti-Aliasing are off in the in game settings, i suggest going into the settings and moving the resolution slider back and forth and position it 2 steps in from the left hand side it may be a glitch. and if that fails Can you please try this for me and see if it helps. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-performance-booster-v2-55493.53233/ maybe a shader has become incompatible with your system. and last of all if that fails try verifying files again to remove my mod, then maybe delete all the game file and re-download them incase there is a corrupt/outdated file somewhere
Will give those a go soon. Ive never turned HDR or Anti-Alias on in settings. basically un on the preset low quality option. Ill let you know how I go.
i hope it goes well, if there's still an issue i will get more people in to help source options to try to get you back in game
all failed. until delete and reinstall. something must have gone wrong installing the patch. working like a charm now :/