Mod Suggestion Thread This is a thread within which any person can suggest their mod idea and have it be linked to from the OP. Small, large, succinct, written in broken English, I will do my best to curate every suggestion, group it with similar ideas, and present it here for use by whoever for whatever. Do not make your own thread for your idea. Preferably you should post them in this thread as a response, or PM me. However if you do PM me, all I will do is copy your suggestion verbatim as a response to this thread, crediting you. When making a suggestion, I ask that you give a small summary of the idea, assuming your idea is large enough as to require a summary. This is not a general suggestion thread. Suggestions should be directed at the modders, not at the developers. Do not make specific suggestions about balance. While balance changes are within the scope of modding, they will not be considered within this thread unless incidental to a larger idea. If you are creating a mod based on or related to any suggestion, PM me the link to your thread and I will link to it next to the suggestion. Key (New descriptors will be added to the key as needed.) [Detailed] [Unit] [-Air-] [-Ground-] [-Water-] [-Space-] [Structure] [-Energy-] [-Metal-] [-Construction-] [-Attack-] [-Utility-] [Planet] [Game Mode] [Faction] [UI] [Visual] Suggestions [Game Mode] Colonies Link [Visual] Permanent Day Link, Mod [Unit] [Structure] Advanced Structure & Unit Systems Link
If you're wondering, yeah I'll probably make another of these threads when mods start getting released.
Colonies A mod where many players spawn in a remote corner of the Galaxy, across several systems. Their goal is to become the most profitable and successful colonial project, amassing resources, discovering new minerals and relics from past settlers, and hindering their rivals by any means. You can choose to focus all your efforts on amassing the most cash and creating a huge industrial capital, or mercilessly wipe out your opponents, leaving you to take the spoils. Colonies is designed to be a long term gamemode in the vein of stuff like Civ, where simply wiping out your enemies isn't the sole aim of the game. Each player will be largely spread out, letting them gain resources more than just "mass" and "energy", trading between allies, constructing better tech from minerals, forging fragile allegiances and stabbing them in the back later. Win by being the most technologically advanced, obliterating your enemies, or assimilating them into your galactic empire with your perfect ideology. This is a very very rough idea, and likely to either never develop at all or change greatly, but I'd quite like some legitimately interesting mods for PA, not just retextures and balance mods.
That one is easy. Just change radial_intensity in /terrain/earth.json to 1. Edit: I increased the sun intensity a bit aswell.
Updated OP. Just to keep the thread clean, please relgate questions you have for people or their suggestions to PMs.
Tags: [Unit] (all), [Structure] (all) Advanced Structure & Unit Systems (ASUS) Initial Plan: Investigate unit relationships between fabbers & bots, structures and what each tier can build (relatively simple, reminds me of my days playing SupCom). Design a set of advanced interactions between existing units. Implement new interactions, replacing existing ones where appropriate (for example if I decide Advanced Fabrication Bots should require more than simply an Advanced Bot structure to build. Most of this is pending looking at the unit data, as I'm not sure of how advanced any requirement scripting is (JSON itself is relatively flexible but you can't just plug something new in and expect it to work ). End Goal: Create an advanced tiering system that requires certain building combinations to unlock certain advanced units, and also rely on having certain units existing on the field in order to unlock other units and structures. --------------------------------------------------- EDIT: you might want to see if this board supports anchor tags as supposed to an HTML link, as anchor tags don't force a page reload. --------------------------------------------------- EDIT2: after further investigation r.e. build commands to server, I'm not sure this is at all possible to be changed without also modifying the server instance (which would require local server functionality). I may have to shelve this for now, boo. EDIT3: ARGH NO STRIKETHROUGH AND NO SPOILER TAGS. WHAT IS THIS FORUM SOFTWARE?!
Kind of an "out-there" suggestion, but it fits into the theme of planetary annihilation. I'll just file it under [detailed] Basically I'd like to see a mod inspired by 30 hs. At least some of it should be easy to recreate in PA: A meteor wreathed in ****fire that can be summoned by the uberweapon ****slayer, surf ninja moon X, planet-kicking, astral vampires, oh, and a heavy metal soundtrack. Gotta have that. Of course, any modder who'd like to try and replicate this, I should warn you your sanity might be in danger :lol:
[Detailed] [Unit]:All [Structure]:All [Game Mode] [Faction] [UI] In-game Unit Editor Introduction: This game only has one pool of units, where each player is their own faction. What if each player could customize their faction to create their own pool of units? These units can be both visually and functionally different than the basic pool. Idea: Each player has access to the default pool and can still play the game normally. However, while in game a player can modify that default unit or create a new one from scratch. The editor would keep track of saved units and different unit parts. A player would choose in the editor: -Land / Air / Sea / Hover/ Space movement type -Chassis / Weapon Platform -Weapons (Optional) -Power Supply -Utilities (Optional) -Decals (Optional) Each different type of module would have different strengths, weaknesses, costs, weight, weight support, and power supply use. For example, a light-legged module would add no armor, have low cost, add to total speed and acceleration, support a small amount of weight, and have a low power supply use. Some example weapons could be: Nanolathe, ballistic machine gun, rocket launcher, repeating laser, etc. Some example utilities could be: Invisibility, extra armor, radar/sonar, jump jets, light AA gun, stealth module, speed module, unit bay, etc. Going over the total weight max (from the movement type and chassis capability) would result in an unusable unit. Going over the recommended weight capacity will result in reduced stats (like turn rate, speed, etc). At the capacity, no effect. Under capacity, bonus to stats. In the end, the unit would have a total power draw from every module. The player would pick the appropriate power supply for that unit (reflecting how in TA a tank for example would show +2 energy in its info card). Under-powering would result in a percentage penalty to stats (but for a lower total cost and weight), correct power has no benefit, and overpowering would have a percent benefit to stats like weapon track speed (but adds cost and weight). The player would then name and save the unit design. The save would be persistent, allowing the player to build that unit across multiple games. Saved unit designs are editable. The Commander would be the only upgrade-in-place unit, allowing the player to open the editor for the Commander, make changes, and click “Apply”. The Commander would then upgrade/downgrade itself. The editor could be extended to buildings as well as units, with things like structure base, weapon mount points, utilities, armor, extra nanolathes, resource generators, and so on. The editor would be available outside of a match, allowing the player to make changes at his or her own pace. Pros: -Diverse unit pools -Customized army (feeling rather Cybran today? Have your army be made up of only multi-legged units!) -Each player can be their own true faction -Customizable unit roles and abilities (Invisible artillery? Heck yes!) -Able to react to specific events -Adds incredible replay value Cons: -Less unit readability (What the heck am I looking at?) -Confusing traditional unit roles and functions -More difficult to balance individual units (Invisible artillery is OP!) -Adds a heck of a lot of complexity to the game Conclusion (TL;DR): Adding an in-game unit designer allows players to react to situational events with speed and ease. Each player would have the ability to create a totally unique faction that represents what kind of player they are. Or not; every default unit would still be in the game at the player’s disposal. Thank you for your time. PM me for questions, comments, and criticism. -- Genera1Failure