Haven't settled on a good name for it. But as I was thinking of ways to avoid having teams of that have a major unbalance of one class (IE: 6 supports, 4 too many assassins on your team.) but still have it so people can play there class. At first I thought it was impossible, and tossed the idea out the window. But then I was playing WoW and it hit me when I qued up as healer in a random heroic. Crossfire Draft mode - Regular crossfire, But when you go to search for games, You select your class. And then it fits you with a team of 6, one of every class. That way, You get to play the class you wanted to play, the teams are unbalanced, so on and so forth. I also thought it would be nice to try to equalize team levels. after you find a team, instead of just find another team at random, It picks the team with the closest added levels. This may be a terrible idea, But it was an idea I had and I thought I'd share.
I think assassins and snipers would end up waiting a long time so they would apply as something like tank and then switch as soon as they got in game.
I think the idea is, you cant switch classes once in the game. So once you pick tank, you are stuck as a tank until to leave and find a new lobby as the class you want.
I like that idea! I love the idea of only one class per team per game. Like like like. However, you should also be able to team up with your friends and search for a game, as long as neither of you are the same class.
I would love this feature if it came out, especially since the last game I played had 4 assassins in it