The last one didn't yield good results, seeing as Wildman and ChronicRandom were the only guys to give solid advice. I want real ****, y0.
Based on the limited amount of times I have played with you, I think you are a very solid player. As a Sniper you are a real good shot and have very good map awareness. I feel that you have potential to be a top 5 Sniper if you would just gain a little self confidence.
This. You care too much about how well you are that you keep doubting yourself. Just believe your the number 1 sniper and act like a motherfukin boss! Me and Chron call each other the best to give us confidence (and it pisses off some people as well ). So just remember ; You're the best!
You seem to be very bitchy and complain that you suck a lot. Stop doing it. You only succeed in making yourself look like a dip****, and you actually are a good shot and have some good sense in game, from the limited amounts of times I've played with or against you.