I was wondering if you had any tips or constructive criticism for myself. I am not an avid player, so it is entirely possible that you have not, or do not remember, playing with me. Additionally, if you could give my fellow players (Kevinopolis/Hydrargyro/Killdozer95) tips and critiques, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome to the forums kjhddudeman! (Not gonna lie, I had to copy paste that) Your name sounds familiar but I'm not entirely sure what classes you play or anything. On topic: Never use the default classes, ever. They're awful.
dont remember any of you guys really, if you want good critique though you should come play this weekend in the private matches that are being advertised. if you arent familiar with private match play i suggest shammas's guide to end all guides as a quick overview of what to expect out of yourself and others, be aggressive and show us what you got
wait wait wait wait wait There are private matches going on again? When are these going down? Somebody send my Alice Houle account a FR. Gonna warn you guys - don't play anymore and I suck now. But send me an invite, I love the feeling of being carried.
Of course someone has to bitch and now my Apocalypse thread is gone. I swear, there should be a knowledge test before allowing anyone onto the internet.
Maybe you could tell your friends that if they are going to roll in parties of 4 in pub lobbies they should really stick around and lose, not just leave as soon as they get pushed into their spawn. :|
I just played with you guys yesterday, here are some tips: -lrn2aim. -Dont quit (like everyone has said I knowwww). -Jackpot means instant skill so try to get it ASAP. -You dont all have to go assaults, I know its a hard class to play and you like the challenge, but still... LADS