Crit Endorsement research

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by No-Blood, November 9, 2010.

  1. No-Blood

    No-Blood New Member

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    I did a round of crit tests an here are the results.

    Subject: The Assassin
    Weapon: Shruken launcher, Ammo; 10

    Out of 100 clips

    Round 1
    No endorsement
    1.Clips containing a critical shot:0
    2.Critical shot%: 0%
    3.No appearance of multiple crits within clip

    Round 2
    Brnz endorsement
    1.Clips containing a critical shot:27
    2.Critical shot%: 2.6
    3.Rare of multiple crit within clip(Not exceeding double)

    Round 3
    Ag endorsement
    1.Clips containing a critical shot:34
    2.Critical shot%:3.4
    3.Appearance of regular multiple crits within clip(Not exceeding double)

    Round 4
    Au endorsement
    1.Clips containing a critical shot:52
    2.Critical shot%:5.2
    3.High rate of multiple crits within clip(Not exceeding triple)

    I'm going to be expanding on this with Critical shot damage multiplyers.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    another question, maybe the devs can answer this.

    the starting sniper starts with crits. is this because he can 1-hit more targets than he could of before when he scores a critical? i.e. after endorsement is it possible to put down an assassin with a crit chest shot, or a tank in 3 instead of 4?
  3. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i think the base classes are built to what they would likely have in a reaql-life scenario. it wouldnt make sense for a mnc sniper to have accuracy, but it would make sense for him to be accurate. it wouldnt make sense for an assassin to waste an endorsement slot on crit, but it would make sense for her to know where to stab and where not to stab.
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I overheard a good conversation on Dev Night. Someone asked, "Why do the stock classes suck so bad?" to which the dev replies something like this, "What would be the need for custom classes if the stock classes were so great?".
  5. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    This is lovely and all...But with the chances of criticals being re-calculated for every single shot fired, it's more or less impossible to get an accurate set of results testing this way. You'd need to to have knowledge of how the game's mechanics work specifically, which is pretty difficult to acquire without having actually worked on programming it.
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    After Scathis commented in the other critical shot thread describing how crits work, I decided to run a couple different critical shot endorsement classes with the sniper. If you want to get a good idea of the damage done from a critical sniper shot, then try using the sniper rifle when juiced, since that gives you 100% critical shots.

    I might go out and try it a bit more, but my initial findings were that critical shot does very little the help the sniper. I believe even with gold critical endorsement you still cannot OHKO any class with a body shot.

    The only type of sniper that might benefit from this would be the ones that do nothing but farm bots for juice and juice rush constantly.

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