Creating Planets IN GAME?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by interpote, February 10, 2013.

  1. interpote

    interpote New Member

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    Is it a possibility? I am just wondering if remaking the Death Star is possible.
  2. carbonpollution

    carbonpollution New Member

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    Well.... There are like these asteroids into kinetic bombardment weapon so if your talking about a actual Death Star then no but you can destroy planets
  3. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    I'm pretty sure that a death star is about the first thing we will see from the modding community.
  4. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    From what we have been told about Metal Planets its assumed that they are very death star like (Weapons systems that you have to activate and stuff, can destroy astroids and most likely whole planets).

    And the map generator will be able to create custom maps and planets for you.

    However, if your talking about creating a new planet while in a match that would go against one of the games core concepts, so im assuming it wont be possible (I might be wrong, but i'm rather certain that i'm right).

    (The core concept in question is that the playing field will be constantly getting smaller, becuse the ones fighting keeps destroying the playing field, forcing the players togheter in the end. Its the whole point of the "planetary annihilation" that the game is named after.)
  5. acey195

    acey195 Member

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    In the main game I am pretty sure it will not be possible, like Garatgh pointed out.

    I am also unsure if this would possible to mod in, as I do not know how resource intensive this going to be. Very likely the planet generator cannot operate well, while the game also needs to process the rest of the game.

    Especially after reading Mavor's blog. He said the updating of planets was done server side and preferably on a single chunk at a time as it was relatively hard to do real time.
  6. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    .... okay so none of you where a part of the backing process? the Metal planet is a planet that can destroy other planets. it's ancient technology that you can chose to harvest or spend some material activating.

    to a death-star... the're was even a backer mail/update saying "THAT'S NO MOON" when they announced the metal planet..
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    But is it a death star?

    Is there any proof?
  8. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Depends on your definition of a death star is.

    1. Its made of metal (duh, metal planet) like a death star.

    2. It has weapon systems (or a weapon system) that players need to activate (mentioned at several places) like a death star.

    3. In a interview it was stated that it can be used to destroy a astroid (Im allmost 100% that we have confirmation for it destroying planets too, but i cant find it) like a death star.

    4. The screenshot realy looks like some sort of death star.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  10. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    As said, depends on your definition.

    For me a big metalic planet that can destroy other planets is a death star.

    But its not a space station owned by the galactic empire that has hangars filled with tie fighters.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    While I agree that it is a metal world I mean more spesificly the planet destrying aspect.

    As even in the demonstration a number of nukes can attempt to take out an asteroid.
  12. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    As said im allmost 100% (like 99%) sure that its confirmed (That metal worlds can destroy planets), but im too lazy to search for it.
  13. Nukesnipe

    Nukesnipe Member

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    Why can't we, at one point if we have a big enough economy, build giant super-ships that act as planets? Didn't it say on the Kickstarter than metal planets can either be harvested or repaired into Death Stars?
  14. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    With an already large battlefield, I would stay away from adding more planets.
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Neither of those have anything to do with creating new planets from nothing.

    Especially considering how the planet destruction mechanic also lets games close out nicely by reducing the number of places you need to look for the commander.

  16. Degraine

    Degraine New Member

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    The original pitch for metal planets in the Kickstarter: 'Metal planets are wandering relics of wars long past, giant artificial battle stations that can be recycled or reactivated to bring a new level of destruction. Harness the lost knowledge and brute power of the ancients by repairing their installations. Then take over the control structures and rain destruction on your opponents.'

    Doesn't really imply that it's got a planetbuster weapon of any kind, though I imagine it's possible. Perhaps metal planets will have a set of superweapons they can be generated with and it's a roll of the dice. I do certainly hope they'll have some kind of inherent manufacturing/hangar capability if you reactivate them. Being able to build unit guns on the surface would be an acceptable alternative, though.

    We've also seen nothing about the general roster of units, be they land, ocean or space. There could well be battleships and interplanetary troop ships planned.
  17. Consili

    Consili Member

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    For those reasons I would stray away from the concept of building whole planets.

    That aside from the resource issue it would seem a little silly. Considering you would require a planets worth of resources in order to build one, it seems a little redundant.
  18. cruton32123

    cruton32123 New Member

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    Unless you wanted to get really specific with the environment, I don't think you would ever really need to build a planet. I remember seeing it discussed somewhere that you would have the option to move around small planets and asteroids, but not always have to use them as giant projectiles. You can take a planet and move it from system to system, and even have it orbit other planets. In a sense you could find a planet you really liked, strap some giant rocket engines to it, and fly around the galaxy invading your enemy with it.
    To that extent I almost want to have the option of painting a giant skull and cross-bones on my planet and flying around as space robot pirates, just for the fun of it.

    As far as the death-star approach is concerned, from what has been said of them, metal planets seem to fill that role nicely. Even if you don't find a metal planet, or are playing in a galaxy without any, you can always set up a base on a small planet and dedicate it to a sort of fire base, deployment area. Cover it in long range extra-planetary artillery and nukes, build a few troop transports or unit cannons (I don't know what the name is for them but they can be seen in the promotional video flinging infantry from the moon) and construct rocket engines. You then have your very own planet sized battle-station, and while it may not be able to completely destroy planets, it can certainly obliterate anything on the surface.
  19. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    Do we even know for sure what will happen to an existing planet after we "destroy" it?

    If it just turns into a lifeless hunk of "stuff you can't build on", but is still largely there, then we aren't actually removing the object from the game so much as changing our relationship to it. If a destroyed planet turns into big chunks, would they then be treated like asteroids? Like instead of going to an asteroid belt, you could use pieces from the old planet in the same fashion you would an asteroid?

    I would doubt we could see all new celestial bodies being added once a game has started, but perhaps if we understood more about the intent when the existing ones are destroyed, it would inspire us.

    Using the shattered carcass of a dead planet to build even more powerful orbital weapons seems like it would cover some of the ideas here, and may not require introducing all new mechanics to implement. :)
  20. thorneel

    thorneel Member

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    As long as it is easily moddable, so we can have mod spaceships that are simply spaceship-looking asteroids with weapons and engines, I'll be happy.

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