Well since theres a new edition to project spark with conker... Wonder if we all worked together to make a mnc clone?
good idea you turn on the xbox boot up 'mnc clone' and what greets you? a game where you shoot robots! one half is red the other blue what a thrill! a rush from the joy of a kill...you play the 'my little pony' theme on your ipod open a delicious can of warm beer and life is good
Spoiler: dont read it funny how i post sooo much stupid stuff on here. the reason is 4chan is blocked on my internet there i was a maverick that posted pictures of frogs...a meme lord if you will an event occured and i was fresh on the scene with pictures of she-males and joyous memes i feel sorry for the denizens of uber who put up with endless HungryPoem drivel
What I meant was your next post would be a "get". Disclaimer: I've never been to 4chan, but everyone knows what a get is. Wait, victorpenningtonrust is you??!!1! Just kidding...